So many get started in Social Media Marketing (especially Network Marketers); have no idea what they are doing and they make some serious mistakes.
One, of course is blatant advertising and spamming. Every Tweet is a link to the next best thing since sliced bread; they Direct Message everyone with their links. They never stop to consider that there are REAL humans on the receiving end. People like me and you.
I recently had a “new friend” pop into my message box and spam his opportunity link on me. Instead of just deleting, or being nasty, I decided to “pay it forward” and use it to impart some value and education on proper Social Media etiquette.
I have to thank Mike Klingler for being the inspiration behind this post and helping me think through my words a little more carefully on this.
Here is what I wrote –
Dear XXX,
I’m going to take your post as a teaching opportunity and hope that you will accept this genuinely and with my best intent…
As Dr. Phil would say, regarding randomly pitching your business – How’s that working for ya?
I don’t know you and so I am guessing you don’t really know me or you would have never posted this. I’m sure you have the best intentions and hope for your business and those of us promoting the great profession of Network Marketing online. And, this might be something you would do with a friend or someone offline
However, in social media and online, which is where we are, it is totally inappropriate to post (or spam as most people call it) your opportunity like you just did. It would be like me blocking you on the street as you walk by and forcing you to take my business card, even if I didn’t want to. Does that make sense?
What many people forget is that using social media locations like Facebook is like networking with people in real life. We are real people and if I wouldn’t want someone forcing a business card on me in the mall, I sure don’t like it online either.
Here is something worth remembering, to protect yourself and your reputation. Those who pitch their deal and spam online are ignored; or even worse, people will form a poor opinion of you even if you’re really a great guy with a heart of gold.
I’m proud of my track record of having built a million dollar business online without once ever spamming any one. It lowers the opinion of our profession for many when we keep using these types of tactics.
I hope I’ve made a difference and offered value to you. That is always my goal and I love the spirit of raising the level of integrity associated with our fine profession.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Well, he wrote me back and thanked me; headed to my site and signed up for my newsletter! Whatever happens, that is a win-win because I feel great, like I made a difference and hope that he will keep paying that forward!
Now, that is exciting when you think about the difference we can all make by taking those “teachable moments” and kindly guiding to understanding!
I’m inspired. Hope you are, too!
<—— Did this article help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments on Facebook below!
Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Well said Jackie! I’ve thought the same thing when I see people over posting/broacasting their opportunity or business promotion, “How’s that working for ya?”
I’m never quite sure what to do about social media spammers, being nasty just isn’t my style, no matter how irritating they are! Generally I just ignore them, often I unfollow or unfriend them and if they spam their links on one of my social profiles I will delete them.
.-= Melody´s last blog ..Melody Thacker’s Twitter Updates for 2010-05-16 =-.
Hi Jackie,
I was just having a conversation about this with my facebook friends. Its so tacky when you haven’t even added them as a friend yet and they are pitching you. It just shows you what you have to look forward to if you accept that request. Personally I like when they do that – because I’m able to ignore them without going through the trouble of accepting them… and then getting hit with the sneak attach. A thank you email in my box or a message on my wall, or a tagged video presenting their link, product, pitch. You get the idea.
I never thought of spinning that around like you did. Great idea.
.-= Kimberly Bollmann´s last blog ..Does P90x Work? =-.
Thanks John!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Well said, Jackie. 😀
I use the same approach in dealing with people who spam me. So often, they’re inexperienced novices who simply don’t know any better, or are told to do it by ignorant upline “leaders”.
More general comments on these kinds of tactics are kept to my blogs, like this post on how to be a complete niTwit:
Great stuff, as always… please keep it coming!
.-= John Counsel´s last blog ..Huh? “Push”? “Pull”? What the heck do THEY mean? =-.
Thank you Jackie! That’s one reason that I set up a Professional page on fb also, I try to keep my general page just for people things and the other one for Professional items, like events and the likes and of course discussions. Then I send an email invitation, that way they have to opt in to it. P.S. Someone from fb even called my office, when I turned it around on him and told him who my upline was (you)he hung up! Thank you.
Thanks Jackie,
I recently wrote an article about a similar topic, because some of the actions and attitudes online really urk me.
If you don’t mind, I am going to link to this post.
Jeremiah Carstarphen
The Cartoon Coach
.-= Carstarphen´s last blog ..8 Steps To Make Your Goals A Reality =-.
Thanks for the kind comments. It’s all a learned set of business skills. Over time, and with practice (and some mistakes) you develop your own style and process with people.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I love this post. What you have written back to that person is unbelieveable. I be glad when I get to that level. I’m still learning:) Everything you teaches seems so natural and real and I’m glad that I’m able to learn from your teachings. I think your awesome and will continue to do really big things!
.-= Kia Buford´s last blog ..Your Paycheck Only Grows As Much As You Do =-.
You always have a way of putting things that inspires me Jackie. When I “grow-up” in Network marketing I want to be just like you.
So many people on so many sites do that. Instead of, “Hey how you doing” the first thing the do is shove their link in your face….UGH!! BIG turn-off for the beginning of a friendship. So if you don’t mind, I might borrow the un-wanted business card line next time I get a link thrown in my face.
Thanks for being such an inspiration to so many of us!
Each time I visit your site, I learn something new.
Thanks for being such an exemplary leader:)
Thanks Jackie for this great article. I always just go and delete the person from being my friend. I so like your idea better and turning it around to a learning opportunity for the offending person. I will so use this idea when I get another one of those annoying facebook chats from a new “friend” pops in with their greatest opportunities! I’m tired of all the spamming and this is a great way to let them know and to help them learn.
Design Your Future!
The more we can do to clean things up and set people straight, the better for us ALL!
Thanks for contributing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great example of giving value, and teaching without expecting anything in return! I think I may try this approach next time I am in the same situation. Thanks!!
.-= Susan Moss´s last blog ..Achieving Goals; How to Set Yourself up to Succeed =-.
Jackie… that message you sent is beautiful. It delivers such a powerful heart-felt message without insulting the receiver.
Thanks so much for sharing the wisdom.
I so appreciate you!
–Mary K
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.-= Mary K Weinhagen´s last blog ..What’s your story? =-.
Love it Jackie…Um, ya mind if I do some copying and pasting for future needs? You put it much more eloquently than my “Y’ALL QUIT SPAMMING ME” that I want to shout, lol.