Follow Up With Your Direct Sales Prospects
Sadly, most sales professionals and network marketers never follow up with their prospects. And yet, we know from simple sales statistics that 80% of sales happen after the 5th contact!
That’s right, people need to see and hear about your business 5 times or more! Don’t miss the chance to sponsor 80% of the people who you approach.
These are the well known published sales statistics on Follow up:
48% never follow up
25% of sales people never make a second contact and stop
12% of sales people only make 3 contacts and then stop
And, yes, as I said – 80% of sales happen between the 5th and 12th contact!
Here are some ideas to help you:
How might your business change with good follow up?
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
So true! Thanks for all the great info over the last ten plus years my friend!
To Our Success!
Sue Seward
Hi Jackie,
First of all, THANK YOU so much for the free eBook that is full of gems 🙂
I have been doing network marketing in the ‘real world’ for over 7 years and have eventually come to realize that “no” means “not now”.
I agree with you that follow up is very important as circumstances may change in a couple of months or years. I find it helpful to keep that non-judgmental stand and listen. It is not uncommon for me for follow up for over a year before a person signs up.
Viola Tam
Yep, “not now” is very often the case, and I know that from my own personal history. I said no for awhile until I said YES!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Well stated message Jackie. Not only is it important to follow up with your contacts because they may be in a different place and ready to build but they may have lost your contact information too. I’ve had that happen where I wanted to connect with someone but couldn’t find their number. Had they connected with me again they would have had the sale.
Thanks for your thoughts Lisa and you are so right. I have learned not to assume ANYTHING!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer