Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks and Create Experiences in our Life and Business
This mourning, I ducked into the local coffee shop to get some work done, undistracted by “working at home” and all that THAT can entail.
A mom and her 4 year old child came in. He was all decked out in a Superman costume, possibly in anticipation already of Halloween. He was big and bold, and quite confident in his look, and very secure in the fact that he IS Superman and dressed quite appropriately for the occasion.
People were glancing at him, and smiling, thinking how cute he is, and many even commented.
I quickly reflected back on my children, who went through specific “dressing phases.”
There was my son, who spent an entire Phoenix, Arizona summer in black jeans and cowboy boots. The, there was the royal blue and red striped sweater phase with camouflage pants.
My daughter loved going to the grocery store in her princess dress and her “Barbie shoes.” She loved piling on beads and costume jewelry and wore dresses for most of her first 7 years of life. NOTHING but dresses.
It got me thinking about where that lack of inhibition goes for us. When do we cross over to the place of caring so much about what others think of us that we won’t step out at all?
When did you stop wearing fun “dress up” clothes? Or going out without combing your hair? Why do we make that more acceptable for children and have different expectations for adults.
Is that what “growing up” is all about?
Think about how many times this can hinder us in a DAY, let alone our entire lives.
How many times do we think twice before we act, speak, dress, and so on? Now, certainly there are some times when thinking twice is warranted. But, probably not nearly as much as we do it.
Avoidance in Your Network Marketing Business
What experiences are you avoiding in your Direct Sales business because you worry too much about what others might think, or say? Are you fearful they might whisper behind your back?
How much negative self talk have you made up around this?
I like to think I am fairly evolved but I have just signed up to get my coaching certification as a “Life Coach” and yet I have hesitated to put it out there, because I know some snicker at the term – like coach – as it has become so widely used.
And, there are many people who I know I could and will be in a position to help, just through my own growth in this profession and my own self development. How selfish of me to hold that back? (Is that bold, even to say that?)
No, it’s not – we have to belief in ourselves and the gifts that we have to offer.
Do you have people on your Network Marketing Chicken List? You know the one – the list you’ve started, and then you think of a name and go – eh…no, they wouldn’t be interested in this.
They are –
Too busy.
Too successful.
(Too good for this….)
Ooops, have you ever let that one slip into your thought process? And, then, you ponder it a little. Take it out and “look at it” when you are wondering if you made the right decision….
And, then, at nearly the same time – a funny thing happens. You show up at your local meeting; a regional event; your company convention; and you see the super successful former physician; pharmaceutical sales rep; attorney; real estate agent and any other profession that we tend to “deem” as too big already for Network Marketing, and we silently wish that they were in our business; that we could sponsor someone like that….
Have you ever felt this way?
Here is the red hot news flash –
You CAN sponsor someone like that – many someone’s like that, in fact, IF, and only if, you are willing to “take the risk”, step out a little and have some experiences in your business.
Here is the easiest watt to do that –
First, swallow your pride – it’s all about your ego anyway, that’s all pride is.
Second, dig down deep and believe in yourself.
Third, put on your “Superman” costume, even if just in theory! Remember what it was like to be a child and believe that you could be or were anyone – Superman, Wonder Woman, the president, or whoever you wanted to be!
Fourth, practice good success language. You’ll have much more confidence when you know what to say and feel good about it.
Fifth, just do it. Get out that list and add those chicken names. One by one, call them and begin to mark them off the list.
Sixth, teach others how to do the same – we learn best when we TEACH what we have learned!
When fear starts to grip you – ask yourself –
What is this fear from?
How do I know this to be true; to be a possibility?
When is a time that this has happened?
What if this really did happen, how would I feel and what’s the worst that could happen afterwards?
You might be surprised at the answers you come up with and you are sure to realize how powerful you really are!
You ARE Superman or Superwoman. Put that cape on and FLY!
Side Note on How to Effectively “Work” the Coffee Shop
Get a laptop decal with your website on it.
Bring props – products and other items that showcase your business.
Do “busy work” at the coffee shop – stuff envelopes; label products; or anything that creates curiosity.
Make phone calls but be quiet and respectful. Most of the time, you’ll leave a message and it night create some interest. If the person answers, step outside to finish the call.
Strike up conversations – coffee shops are often very social and lots of people “Work” there and love to chat. Ask question of others, be friendly and you might be amazed at where it goes.
Be prepared to share what you do, or collect info, set appointments for later.
Remember this – more people are offline than online at any time, so get out of your house, and where some action is!
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
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