6 Status Updates to Rock Facebook and Attract Interest
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are well aware that Facebook has taken center stage as an online tool for generating leads, buyers, team partners and BUSINESS; any kind of business!
The question that often comes up is – Great, so how do I use it successfully? What do I say; what do I do; what attracts people?
First, I want you to encourage you to stop thinking of the Internet and Online tools as somehow “different” from offline methods.
I like to call Facebook the “Cheers” of the online world. You may recall Cheers, the 80s/90s “sit com” where “Everybody knows your name.” You walk into your favorite bar/pub/restaurant or party, and it goes like this –
You know some people really well, you know some casually, and some you don’t know at all. As you spend a little time there, the conversation goes in all different directions.
There is a little talk about the weather; sports; trending topics like politics, entertainment and current events. Some people share some details about their families, vacations, their personal life; others talk a bit about what is going on in their careers and the workplace.
It’s fun, entertaining and you go there because you enjoy interacting with people and sharing some time together.
Now, do you have that picture in your mind?
Great, let’s take that and translate that to Facebook. On Facebook, you log on, and it’s like walking into your favorite bar/pub/party, etc. You land on your newsfeed and begin to see what people are chatting about.
You join in the conversation with some; “listen and lurk” with others, and you start some conversation yourself.
Let’s talk about some ways you can start conversation that gets people engaged; commenting, liking, sharing and talking back with you!
This is much different than just blatantly pitching your opportunity, which is most often a complete turn off to those who you would most like to sponsor. Why? They watch you and think to themselves – I might be interested in my own business, but I don’t want to pitch my network marketing program constantly on Facebook and in Social Media!
And, who wouldn’t feel that way? Yuck!
Here are 6 categories of posts that typically get high engagement, when done right:
Tips and Tricks
Fill in the Blank
Either/Or Questions
Trending Topics
Here are some ideas for each one –
People LOVE quotes. Think about it. How many quotes do you see each day on Facebook. Pay attention to the number of likes, comments and shares that many of these quotes get.
People love quotes because they love to be inspired; uplifted; motivated; moved emotionally and so on.
You see quotes on tattoos, screen savers, T-shirts, cards, posters and post it notes!
Think about what it is you love about quotes.
As you post quotes, add a sentence or two about what you like about it. Try to make the quotes relevant to your primary audience.
It’s easy to find quotes, almost anywhere. Just Google “motivational quotes” or whatever type you are looking for. You’ll be amazed at the vast quantity you will find.
People also love to give an opinion and that is one reason why asking questions is a powerful way to create engagement and interaction with your audience.
Make them lighthearted and thought provoking. Have fun with them. Keep them short. Multiple choice works, too, and can get everyone else reading along, keeping track or the most popular answer.
Be careful with divisive, trending topics such as politics or religion, though. Your goal is to engage. not alienate.
Tips and Tricks
How might you be helpful or useful with something new you have learned or recently discovered; some bit of knowledge you didn’t know before?
And, like quotes, the topics are limitless.
You can share ideas and tips on Social Media concepts, SEO, business building, health topics, weight loss, fast food, holidays, parenting, colleges and on and on.
I like to check out Yahoo.com first thing each day and see what’s popular. There are usually close to 100 articles and videos that offer great ideas. Share the whole link or pick one idea from what you read.
Fill in the Blank
My favorite type of food is……..fill in the blank. My favorite business book of all time is…..fill in the blank.
Again, another concept with unlimited ideas and plenty of opportunity to get your audience weighing in, asking other questions and playing along, creating lots of exposure for you!
Either/Or Questions
Are you excited about winter, or are you sad to see summer fade away?
Cardinals or Redsox for the World Series win?
Keep these varied and diverse on a regular basis to engage more of your audience. Simple, easy to do and watch what happens!
Trending Topics
Kind of like asking questions, I avoid those trending topics that might be taboo, such as politics.
There are countless other topics that are newsworthy, and like Tips and Tricks, I use Yahoo.com often to come up with what’s happening in the world that might be worth starting some conversation around.
Recent events that garnered a lot of attention were:
The Prince George, the new born of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; the World Series; Halloween; Holidays and more.
And, at any time, please remember that using hashtags to generate interest is highly recommended. Examples –
#worldseries #halloween
People search for what’s hot and popular using the hashtag, now on Facebook as well, is a great way to get found, by those outside of your direct circle.
So, there you have enough ideas to keep you busy creating conversations and engaging for quote some time!
Have fun!
Do you know how to make a direct message to someone and engage them, and ultimately bring up your business?
Do you want to learn more about Sponsoring Through Facebook? Get my e-Book –
Facebook For Direct Sales Profits
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My engagement had been down mainly due to back to school and I was consumed with offline activities. I made a casual post today on the iphone six and BOOM there it is! My natural inclination was to put up a quote. Either way, your six are on the mark
Yes, school can get in the way but at least you realize it and are still getting into action, via your smartphone! Solid tip for busy moms, for sure!