Signing Someone Up is Just the Beginning
When you are working with potential team partners for your business, do they know what to expect of you and from you if they decide to “sign on the dotted line?”
What type of training and support can they expect?
What will the next step be?
When will they hear from you?
How are you going to be there for them?
You can increase your sign ups dramatically if you layout for them exactly what to expect and what will happen next.
This can be done in a few different ways –
1. In the phone conversation, ask the question – “Jim, do you want to know what to expect and what the next step will be when you do get signed up?”
(Jim ALWAYS answers yes!)
Here is my answer –
“We’ll be going through the sign up process together, ideally, so I can point out and walk you through a few things. You’ll receive an email from our corporate office right away with your company ID and details for accessing the back office of your site.
You’ll also receive a welcome email along with your First 7 Day Steps to Success from me. I want to be sure we get your business launched. My goal in the first 30 days is to get your investment back to you; and get your into profit, and help you develop a “30 Day Success Story” that is yours forever to share with prospects.
I would then like to schedule a phone call within 48 hours to go through a basic training, answer any questions and assist you in developing a business plan that will fit for you.
From there, we’ll be working closely together to get your business going. How does that sound? Any questions?”
Now, you’ve gone a long way in furthering the relationship and the future is right out before your prospect.
Remember this – your work BEGINS when you get them started and launched. Getting them their first check is critical to keeping them in the game and creating duplication!
Give this a try and see what happens.
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Hey Jackie, solid advice – I’ve found that doing this not only builds more trust, but it makes your life a whole lot easier after new team members sign up.
I like to under promise and over-deliver; most marketers do the opposite, which only makes them look bad when they don’t follow-through on those promises.
Thanks and keep up the great work…
It does, Brad! Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer