In a previous article, I shared some ideas on how to break the ice with people about your business. The concept I shared there is great for when you are meeting people. using FORM (Family, Occupation, Recreation, Money) as you listen to people as they are speaking, and then calling them later.
Let’s say you are really ready to rock out your business and contact 80-100 people in your first month, or the next month if you are ready to go and haven’t done this yet. Or, maybe you still have plenty of people on your list you haven’t contacted.
First, make that list. Use a good Memory Jogger. Talk to your sponsor, or check your company manual. Avoid the tendency to edit it. Seriously – DON’T Edit it!
Remember this – Your goal in your first conversation is just to get them to agree to take a look at the business, or the product side. You aren’t trying to sponsor them in this first go!
Depending on the person, don’t be afraid to open the conversation with – “What do you know about a company called XYZ Company?” This can be an easy ice breaker and 95% of the time, they will have never heard of the company.
Listen and then you’ll know what to say next.
Most often, they say “nothing, why?”
Then, I will say, “I’m working on a business project with them, and I would like to get your opinion. If I (emailed over a link to a video; gave you this DVD; mailed some info to you) would you take a look at it and give me your opinion?”
Then, follow these steps to develop a comfortable “script” that fits you and will naturally flow out of your mouth, especially with practice.
Step 1: develop 2 or 3 sentences around why you joined the business. What was it that made you get out your credit card and sign up? Think about that and develop 2 or 3 sentences that flow easily for you when speaking to someone.
Sample – “After watching this company’s growth for 6 years, I knew it was something I wanted to be part of because of the unique product line that anyone can use; the convenience and affordability of the product; and the momentum that the company is just starting. I knew the time was right for me to put my energy into building this business.”
Think about your reasons; which could include:
Downsized and looking for the right job.
Disability that is forcing you to develop a career from home.
Want to be home with children.
Need to diversity income, due to economy.
Retired, looking for something fun to create income.
Entrepreneur, and excited about what this company offers.
Step 2: let them know WHY you are contacting them. This could be something like “I thought of you because you are outgoing, and know a lot of people; you are business oriented; I know you send XYZ, etc.”
Step 3: “Are you in front of your computer and do you have 5 minutes to take a look at how this works?”
From there, take them to a website with a video, or a recorded teleconference, or whatever your company tool of choice is to share.
Remember, you are just notifying and inviting. Detach from any outcome about what they do!
And, always follow up, follow up, follow up!
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EXPECT Success!
Need some more ideas on good Scripting Language for Success? Check out Street Smart Scripts!
Again Jackie I love what you do. Since we are in the same MLM company it is easy for me to realte to what you do but this is just as relevant to a traditional company, which I owned for 40 years, as a MLM company. Heck, the only difference in many ways is the structure.
Thank you, I appreciate you.