Are you worried about getting objections when you introduce your network marketing business to others? Are you worried you won’t know what to say? Relax! This part is really very simple.
This is your business and you are looking for people for whom the time is right. You aren’t interested in dragging anyone across the finish line. The faster you learn to sort and move on from uninterested people, the faster your business will grow.
Learn to say no first! There is nothing wrong with letting people know that you don’t feel like your business is a match for them once they start in with objections. There is really no faster way to determine their true interest level. If you say –
Based on what you are saying, I’m not sure this would be a fit for you!
If your prospect is interested and has some normal questions, he/she will let you know. If not, you’ll be done with the conversation.
Here are some common objections and how to deal with them:
Q. How do I know this works?
A. I think what you are really asking is “How do I know this will work for me?” We have ordinary people earning in excess of a million dollars a year, so it is already a proven system. I don’t know if it will work for you. But what if it DOES work? What if it works for you the same way that it has for me or other top income earners? Would you want to try it then?
The question really is, assuming you like our program and our system, and are comfortable working with our team, “How bad do you really want to make a change in your life? Are you willing to invest in yourself and your future?”
(Then be quiet and wait for them to speak next.)
If they say they are willing, move on to signing them up. If they say “I don’t know”, you need to respond –
“Well then this probably isn’t something for you. At least not at this time. Let me give you my web site and my phone number and when your situation changes and you are ready to makes those changes, call or contact me.”
Then move on to your next call.
Q. I need more time to make a decision.
A. Okay, I understand that. How much more time do you need and what questions do you have? What information can I provide you with that will enable you to make a decision, either yes or no?
Provide information and set a time for a firm decision. If the time comes and they still aren’t ready, move on by saying –
“I think the time is really not right for you to get started on our team. And, this may not be right for you, period. I’m going to give you my web site and phone number again, and when and if your situation changes, and you are ready to move forward, I’ll be ready to work with you.”
Q. I don’t have time.
A. It takes a certain amount of time, no matter how small, to make changes in your life. Would you be willing to set aside one to two hours a night or a few hours a week to take control of your life? With our system, you can schedule that time whenever works for you. Is this something you would be willing to do?
Remember, all we do in this business is sort. We don’t beg, convince or wheel and deal.
When dealing with your family, friends, neighbors, or practically anyone, you can often run into the negative dream-stealers who just don’t “Get It.” Always ask yourself,
“Is this someone who is worthy of my time and energy and can help me accomplish my goal now.”
If not, move on, gracefully!
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Really enjoyed your insight on this. People who opt in to our websites came looking for an opportunity.. and if they won’t commit to putting in the work, then no point talking them to join. We only want business builders. Great post Jackie
Great post! The same principle can apply for existing associates as well as prospects. Too many associates spend way too much time convincing people they NEED the business, the product, the training call, the next meeting, etc…
WANT wins out over NEED every time! Ya gotta wanna!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer