We hear about them all of the time, right? If you are involved in Network Marketing, any type of sales job or anything involving true self motivation to get the job done, you’ve likely been told to set some goals.
And, this can be a challenge, or at least it has been for me!
It has been extremely daunting to me to sit down with a blank piece of paper and chart out all that I want to accomplish. Have you ever struggled with this?
I’m going to share with you how I have overcome this, and managed to create exactly what I want.
I set goals – sure. But more specifically, I focus on intentions. My intentions. After all, that is all I can control. I can sponsor 8 people this month, and that is great. But I can not control who is going to actually work the business, take action, set their own goals, or intentions.
I do know that as long as I do my job, and get people started right; be there to support them; and set a solid example, some of them are going to take action.
So, I set my intentions as follows:
Speak 2 minimum of 2 people a day about my business
Follow up 3 times with prospects
Share the online system with 10 people each week
Sponsor, train and get 2 people started
Blog once a week, generating leads
Create one new video weekly, generating new leads
Engage on Social Media daily
Whatever it takes!!!
These are activities I can control, for the most part. I can not control how many people I sponsor, or who actually experience my business product online, but I know based on history that if I do my part with contact, the rest falls into place.
So, what are your intentions this week and beyond? What action steps will you take that YOU can control?
Share them below and let’s create some discussion!
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I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
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