I know how you feel: You’re so excited! You’ve joined a network marketing company and you are ready to skyrocket right to the top of the pay plan; ready to walk the beaches of the world with the top income earners, and win all of those exciting incentive trips.
But, something is missing. You have the company manual; you’ve been told to make your list; and you’ve been told to start calling people and sharing your business. You’re staring at the phone with something that feels like a watermelon in your stomach. You feel nervous; what if they laugh, or reject you; or worse, say no? How are you going to make this work for you?
Let’s talk about some key factors that you can get started with right away that are proven success techniques and the exact things you’ll use to duplicate with your team to build exactly what you want.
First, let’s lay the plans and develop the blueprint. You’ve probably heard it before, but it really does all start with why. Why did you start this business? When you are very clear on this, the how and the what fall right into place. Before you do anything else, get very clear and specific on your reason why, and write it down.
Before we go too far, we have to make sure we have a blueprint for success. What do you think of when you hear the words MLM or network marketing? Are these thoughts empowering or disempowering? If the words conjure up any negative emotions, you’ll want to spend some time working through these issues and reframing how you think about this new profession you have entered.
Our next steps are going to be built around creating a powerful and compelling thirty-day business launch story. As you begin speaking to others about your business, you are going to hear one specific question from time to time and that is:
“How is it going for you?” People want to know if you have had any success and did you make back the money you invested?
By creating a solid thirty-day launch story, you will easily answer this question with confidence and posture. This will make your journey much easier in network marketing.
Creating your success story really involves only a couple of things, which are the core elements to a successful, duplicating organization: use the products, share the products, and share the opportunity. People are everywhere—your warm market circle of influence, referrals, networking events, and on social media sites.
Knowing what to say and how to say it when inviting, along with how to show the business using third-party tools is a critical element to having success quickly in this business. You can go fast, or you can go slow—the steps are the same, but going fast is a lot more fun, profitable and inspiring for others!
Once you begin the process of inviting and sharing, the next step in the process is follow-up. Once you understand, master and commit to following up in a timely and consistent manner with those who you show the business to, you will see success. This will lead you to enrolling others and then duplicating the exact process you used with those on your team.
Schedule time either during the sponsoring process with a new team member, or shortly after it to cover some basic training and get your new team partner launched with the system you use to do exactly what you did. Do a challenge called “Beat the Box” where you work to have your new team partners investment back before the kit arrives in the mail.
As you work with those on your team, leaders will begin to show up and you will recognize them by how quickly they get into action, and stay in action. Are they duplicating the proven methods? Are they committed to moving forward? Do they plug into company events and get involved with the team? Find these people and have a conversation with them about leadership within the company, and how that will grow their paycheck.
Success is simple. It involves some initial planning, and then a consistent action plan each day and each week. Create your own successful business launch using the steps outlined above and then duplicate that throughout your organization.
Please join me on a free webinar with Networking Times University as we cover these important concepts!
And, if you like this, share it, tweet it, talk about it! I welcome your comments below!
That’s a great initial guide for the newbies, you’ve really nailed it!
It is crucial to get the first month right and we should all remember this when helping our new people get started. Thanks for sharing this.