True Grit Business Staying Power
Success in a Direct Sales or any type of home business DOES require true grit and staying power.
That basically boils down to the ability to try, fail, persevere and NOT give up in the face of adversity, or seeming adversity. There are many lessons in this to learn ourselves and to teach our children. Find any success story anywhere and you will find this to be true.
Recently, my son’s Ipod had a FATAL CRASH and BURN. Frustrating and technical, all at once.
We spent two TEARFUL hours working on this and at first, it seemed to be unsuccessful. It looked like it was going to require a new Ipod. I have been working with my son to get him to realize that you cannot throw in the towel when the first attempt you make doesn’t work. You re-adjust, read further into the instructions and exhaust every possible method. This most ALWAYS leads to success!
Sometimes, it is just the slightest little adjustment that makes the difference. In this case, a download of the new software triggered the computer’s firewall to dis-allow the connection to Apple’s site.
Had we given up at the first sign of adversity, we might have trashed a perfectly good Ipod.
If you have a Network Marketing business, have you ever considered trashing your PERFECTLY good business because –
a. No one showed up at your home party/open house?
b. Your first 10 leads said “no thanks!”
c. Your family told you that you might be crazy for doing this?
d. A full year has gone by and you have not sponsored anyone?
Despite what may seem like failure right now, you are in the RIGHT place and the RIGHT time and are surrounded by people who have experienced ALL of the above. Rub elbows daily with those who also see your vision and are taking steps to move themselves forward.
Determine what it might be that is causing a challenge for you. Practice, drill and rehearse. Make sure you are communicating effectively with your prospects and making the conversation about their needs and desires. Role play with your sponsor until you have confidence.
Some people choose to look at the word no as a failure. Instead, I encourage you to look at each attempt you make as a learning experience. It’s all part of the journey to success, both the yeses and the nos. Although it can be tough at first, get your emotions out of the equation.
Decide what it is you must have from your business. Decide that you will not be deterred in your efforts. Decide that you have true grit staying power.
I SURE hope so because you will NEVER regret sticking around for the ride.
If your first step “fix it” program does not work, exhaust every other fix along the way and you WILL rise to the top!
Expect Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Jackie, thanks for your inspiring post. Success in this business directly related to sticking it out, tweaking things that need to be tweaked and keeping a positive focus on your “why”. Thanks for the reminder!
.-= Shirley Muhamad´s last blog ..What Kids Sports Teaches About Network Marketing =-.
Thanks Todd and so nice to see you hear. Sometimes I think people think they are not supposed to have ups and downs and business struggles. But, think about well known business people and the challenges we know they have faced.
Kiyosaki – living in his car; Trump, extreme success, bankruptcy and back again.
Struggle makes you stronger if you don’t quit!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
HI Jackie,
Thanks for the inspiration. I’ve definitely had some ups and downs in this business, but I totally agree that in the long run, it’s well worth sticking around to see how it all turns out 🙂
.-= Todd Morris´s last blog ..Todd’s Best Home Business Tips =-.