You’ve likely heard the buzz about branding yourself in Social Media Marketing, right? So how is it done and why is it important?
Great question – easy answer; however it does require a planned strategy to reach your goals.
Building brand you is about creating awareness of YOU first, and your company and products second. We know that people buy into people, right, so that is why it is so important to lead with yourself. Too often, I see people using their products or company logo as their profile picture on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube; using some reference to their company name in place of their name.
This is a big mistake. And here is one primary reason why. Let’s say I am online looking for a home business. One of the first things I encountered online was “Joe Blow Big Mouth” who spammed me with his company and products and I could almost never get away from him. He is with XYZ company. And, now, I am not at all interested in XYZ company because I am assuming that everyone will be like Joe Blow Big Mouth.
Now, I hop on a Facebook Group and I see you there, starting great topic discussions; contributing quality content; giving great advice to others struggling on their businesses, etc. When I click to your profile, it screams at me of XYZ company. I don’t see your name; picture or anything that keeps me feeling good about you. Instead, I am now turned off because you are XYZ company.
Imagine a different scenario, though. I see you on the group, interacting and providing knowledge. I begin to see you as a friend, and even possible mentor. I click to your profile. There is your name and picture, smiling at me; links to your website take me to your blog, and perhaps a personal website where I can read more of your valuable content and get a better idea of who you are.
I click to your blog or website, and read more of what you have offered; maybe watch a YouTube video, etc. I am more and more convinced that you are a person who can help me achieve the success I want. I click to your splashpage and fill out the info. I am already completely sold on you when I do this. After filling in the form, I become a lead. You call me and we begin a great conversation about your business. When you get to the point of telling me it’s XYZ company, I view you as a friend, and so I tell you about my experiences with Joe Blow Big Mouth.
Because I am so sold on you; and don’t see you as anything like Joe Blow Big Mouth, I quickly move beyond my hesitations because I am able to see that it is not the company, but rather one person who did the company a disservice. In fact, I am excited to get started with XYZ company, and working with you, so I can help spread the good news about the company and help overcome what people like Joe Blow Big Mouth are doing to the negative.
See the difference? I am ready to work with YOU! I am ready to be coached by YOU! XYZS company becomes just a part of the equation in my success, with the strongest part being the bond I am forming with you.
And, this all started because you branded yourself as a professional; an expert; and someone worth trusting and listening to. See the difference?
I encourage you to put your company and products in the background as you move forward in Social Media Marketing. Connect with people and build relationships based on who you are as a person, coach, advisor and not as a distributor for XYZ Company.
Do you see the difference?
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hi Jackie,
Another great explanation of the “balance” that is required when building a network marketing business. Obviously we’re all proud of our company (whichever one it may be), and it’s fine products .. and it should never be a “secret” to anybody who knows us, what it is that we represent. But ultimately, we’re looking for people to partner with us, not necessarily our company.
Another potential pitfall that people (especially newbies) who market as an extension of their company; in addition to your Joe Blow Bigmouth example; is that we all know that it often takes a couple of “exposures” before people are ready to consider buying something.
Well, what if they didn’t bookmark our page, and later try to find us again through search? If we have been marketing “brand You”, there’s a reasonably good chance they’ll be able to find us again. However, if all they remember is the name of our company, what are the chances that any one of us (especially those inexperienced at Internet marketing) will be at the top of Google for that search?
Just my two pennies,
Todd 🙂
EXACTLY Todd. It’s crazy, the way some want to put their head in the sand and pretend that the internet is not changing the way network marketing is evolving. It is, and those who embrace it and don’t run from it will do extremely well. Networking Times magazine is devoting their ENTIRE Jan/Feb issue to Online and Social Media Marketing.
Our goal, as ambassadors to the profession is to help people get out there; do it right; and have success. It can be done! (Even with 2 small children!)
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Aloha Jackie,
You are the first person who has explained why the you should be branded in a way that I feel good about. Because I come from “old school” network marketing, I am very proud of my company and am very branded with our company. I must say, I have not understood the philosophy until now.
Thank you for explaining it in a way that made me feel more comfortable with it.
Much love & gratitude,
Kellie 🙂
Thanks Kellie! It is great to love your company and products and put your name behind it. And, it’s great to have people “buy into you first” so they are open to your company, even if they are already familiar with them!
All is well here, and I’m so happy that your son Justin has connected with me through Facebook. He’s so fortunate to be able to pick up network marketing, right from the start, at a young age like me. I’m sure he’ll do it BIG in the near future.
All the best to him 🙂
Ding Neng.
Hi Jackie, Short and sweet article that brings out the importance in the social networking space:) I also hope those ‘Joe Blow Big Mouth’ are reading your post too, so they know what they should not be doing 🙂
Ding Neng
Thanks Ding! Yes, if we could JUST get through to them, right?
Hope all is well in Singapore!
You gave a perfect description of the value of social media and how it goes hand in hand with direct sales, party plans, and networking businesses!
BTW, I found this post via a link Julie Anne Jones posted on Twitter!
Thanks Kristie! Glad you found it helpful and thanks to my good friend, Julie Anne! Yes, Social Media is perfect for our profession!
Hi Jackie,
Love it, believe it, need to know how to do it! Adding value to people through relationships on social media is worthwhile and fun. I’m struggling with the “tools” needed to engage my new friends in my products and business when they are ready to find out more. We’ve chatted before, would love to visit again.
Yes, Lynn, the TRUE value is in you! And, you got that one sewn up!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great article Jackie!
You hit the nail on the head and I really like the idea of people getting to know ME before they even have any idea of what company I am with. I started out being all about my company (not so bad as to have company products as my profile pix, lol), but now I’m trying to get away from that. I am valuable because of what I offer – not what company I represent. Thanks for driving this home!
.-= Lynn Huber´s last blog ..What is MLM? =-.