This is not a new topic, by any means. It’s been pondered for decades, really, and yet not a lot really seems to be changing.
In my own profession, Network Marketing, the majority of those involved are women, and yet the top income earners and speakers on stage most often, or certainly the majority, are men. Why is this?
Please take 15 minutes and listen to Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook) talk about this important topic
The Real Savvy Success Group just hosted our first event primarily for women in Network Marketing in Orlando this past weekend. The feedback has been outstanding, and we all pondered this question. And while we didn’t have any real answers, we came away feeling empowered and ready to stop living small and live up to our own expectations for ourselves and be what we know we can be!
Plan on attending our next event in LA –
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
And you are such an amazing gift and presence when you DO play full out, Jhanna, as one who has witnessed you!
Let’s keep pushing it to the max and empower the next generation, shall we? Our daughters!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Powerful message. Why do so many of us play small? Why don’t more of us play full out without question? I saw myself in many of those examples Ms. Sandberg offered.
Perhaps it’s time I stopped questioning myself and just play full out.