Your Network Marketing Tribe
In Seth Godin’s Book – Tribes – he educates us on the power in developing and leading your own tribe; and the power of the Internet as the great connector to make it happen.
Have you thought about who your tribe is? Are you currently developing your tribe; finding your “peeps?”
Everyone has a tribe, and it’s okay not to resonate with everyone.
You don’t need everyone.
You just need a few, who have a few, who have a few! The beauty of Network Marketing is that we all know those Few. We just won’t know who they are until we ask.
So, get busy asking. And asking is simply using good success language to see if they would be open to learning more about what you do, either for themselves or someone they know.
It’s really pretty simple.
My “tribe” is online business builders, specifically those in Direct Sales. Who’s your tribe?
Did this information help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!
I teach mindset mastery, as well as Network Marketing and Social Media Mastery.
Let’s have some conversation!
PS: If You Are Struggling to Sponsor, and Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is Where You Want to Start
If you are happy in a business, that is great. If you are looking for the right business; the right mentor; something you can build online, I would love to share what I am doing with you.
Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.
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Hi Jackie
My name is Ronice ,I’m from Brazil!
I just finished to read Napoleon Hill for women.
Thanks for your comments related to network marketing, help me a lot .