If only 1 in 20 people are achieving their goals and the success they want, what are they doing that’s different?
Are they more talented? Smarter? Better Educated? Is it hereditary?
The answer is none of those things. In fact, it is something so small that it may shock you. And it’s something that you can easily begin to do; and , just as easily not begin to do.
It starts with your philosophy. Have you given much thought to your philosophy? Your philosophy is how you think; how you reason about certain things; it’s what you know and how you apply it to what you do.
A positive philosophy is going to inspire you to make positive steps each day toward your goals. A negative philosophy is going to allow you to talk yourself out of taking those steps.
And, it is the small, daily action steps; compounded over time that create what you are looking for in life. Think about it – this is true in every area of your life.
Want to lose weight? It means choosing the salad over the cheeseburger, more often than not; it means walking for 30 minutes a day instead of hanging on the couch; it means being aware of the choices you make and choosing wisely.
Want to build your business? It means making those 2 calls a day to prospects, even when you don’t want to; it’s about attending your company’s regional or national event, even if you go by yourself; it’s about picking up that book and reading 10 inspiring pages each day.
Each of these things is so easy to do; and so easy not to do.
It’s not huge action steps that makes one more successful. It’s small, daily steps, compounded over time.
What steps are you going to choose to make today?
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Aloha Jackie,
Yes!! Jim Rohn always said “Your income is determined by your philosophy”, and “for things to change, I have to change. For things to get better, I have to get better”. Thank you for re-affirming what my heart already knows.
Much love & aloha,
Kellie 🙂
As Jim said – Don’t wish that it were easier – wish that you were better!
WE can all be better each and every day!
Thanks for writing this post , i find the information that you have shared of great value to the people that i connect with and going to pass this on to my tribe. I look forward to reading more from you.
Thanks Chris! Funny how we try to complicate things, huh? I hope your tribe finds it useful!
Hey Jackie,
You are so right on about taking action steps everyday. I almost have to laugh when people tell me “that doesn’t work, I TRIED that”. Trying does nothing DOING consistently is what causes things to happen. You have to lay the foundation for that empire one brick at a time and after awhile, suddenly you have a house ,then you can add some additions, eventually it is a mansion. So on and so forth.
Thanks for the awesome inspiration. You rock!
Scott Manesis
The challenge is to get people to STOP looking for the quick fix, and as you say Scott, create the “brick by brick” scenario because that is what it is!
Hi Jackie,
You hit the nail on the head. It is a choice, do it, or not do it. And if you can’t decide whether to do it or not and don’t handle your doubts and reservations, that’s a choice too; to let your fears and insecurities stop you from achieving your innate greatness.
Beautifully put!
.-= Alan Eames´s last blog ..Five Things To Evaluate =-.
Isn’t it true – everything that is easy to do is also easy NOT to do. It comes down to a simple choice.
J – I think everyone HAS a philosophy, most just don’t think about what it is; changing or controlling it.
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hey Jackie,
I think the problem is that most people do not even have a philosophy. That is why they are so easily distracted from their goals by everything that sounds and looks good.
I am speaking from my own experience.
The Cartoon Coach
.-= Carstarphen´s last blog ..Problems =-.
This is inspiring, true and refreshing. 🙂 Thank you!
I love this: “Each of these things is so easy to do; and so easy not to do.”
I think it’s along the lines of it’s hard to turn something into a habit to eventually make it become easy!