All of us are born with a natural set of skills and talents. Don’t be afraid to use these to your advantage in your Direct Sales business!
We hear the words constantly in Direct Sales and Network Marketing – “Yes, but does it duplicate?”
Ugh! I have to confess, I get so tired of hearing that because I feel that, without a solid explanation, some people are hindering their own success because they aren’t using their natural talents and skill sets to their advantage in their business.
Some people have no problem walking up to strangers and striking up a conversation and promoting their opportunity; others struggle with this. Some people have a budget for advertising and want to pursue this method for time effectiveness and generating leads.
Here is what must be duplicated – knowing how to talk to people; and talking to people. How we get there will vary.
Here are some thoughts –
What are the methods that are comfortable for you and how can you improve on these?
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Wow, you mean the fact that I can talk the hind leg off a donkey and generally come across as Wildly Eccentric is a Good thing?! LOL
Thanks for the validation, Jackie.
It’s taken me a long time to stop trying to be ‘like’ everyone else whose success I covet. Forcing my very round self into a very square hole, so to speak.
Being myself is soooo much easier – and whaddaya know? I’m really good at it!
Bliss and blessings,
The goddess known as Jacqui
You, my dear, are fabulous at it!
Love ya!