Do you ever get asked this question –
How do I create a successful business in Network Marketing?
Or, maybe you have even asked that question yourself. I know I did, back in the early days, when I “felt” like everything was a struggle.
Truth is – the struggle was all in my own mind. I can easily see that now, looking back, but it’s not always easy to be so willing to take a look inward when we feel we are struggling and that the answer is somewhere outside of ourselves.
Here are a few personality traits you must have to be successful. You don’t have to be BORN with them, but you must develop them to be successful –
- Self confidence, or belief in what you are doing.
- A plan of action and consistency in sticking with it!
- A realistic set of expectations around failure and success.
- A willingness to accept a “temporary loss” of social status among some who have an opinion about what you are doing. Remember to ask yourself here – do they pay my bills? Does their opinion really MATTER?
So, do you have these four things already in place? If not, will you get them?
Here are two things that may be working against you in your business, and they may surprise you –
1. It is too inexpensive to get started. I know, you may have heard people say – WOW, why is it so much to get started? In most cases, the people who say this are not your target prospect and not the ones who are going to be willing to do what it takes to make it happen. The reality is, in most cases, it is too LITTLE to get started because it causes many people to not take it seriously. Imagine if you invested in a franchise, at tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Would you throw in the towel if two of your neighbors didn’t support your business?
2. Improper training – I don’t say this to make you question your upline, or your company training. But, too often, we start with the wrong things FIRST in the business. We start with product education, back office usage, and many other things that are important, but not THE most important. What really matters FIRST is:
WHY! It ALL starts with WHY!
Without a solid foundation of WHY, the rest of the “structure” may crumble.
After that, it really is about solid training on HOW to launch – what to say, who to say it TO, and how to run your business like a professional.
With those few things, you will become unstoppable and create what you want!
If you’re looking for more training in this area, check out!
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EXPECT Success!
WHY changed my life. I was told to figure out WHY I wanted this to work, why I wanted to be successful. And when I figured those things out and started to believe in my WHY, Success happened. Start With Why is the best advice! Thanks so much!