Prospect and Present
These are the two POWER P’s of Network Marketing. Really, not a lot else matters. Your job, if you want to be successful is to identify those who might be interested (prospecting) and then present the opportunity.
Your job is not to convince or sell. It is also not to prejudge.
You don’t know (even though you might think you do) what lies in the heart of another. The biggest mistake you can make it to pretend you do.
All you need to do is come up with something simple to say that is comfortable for you. This ensures that you will say it!
Hey, I have something cool I want to show you. I think it might be something you can use. When do you have 15 minutes?
That’s it. Then, you either schedule the appointment or move on. Don’t get caught in “the valley of death” trying to explain it when they ask “What is it?”
Book the appointment or move on.
Once you’ve presented what you have, using a company tool such as a website presentation, or dvd, etc., ask – “So, what do you think?”
You’ll know that to do next.
Here are two things you are NOT in charge of – management and motivation. It’s not your job to manage someone else’s business or decision. And, you can’t possibly manage or control someone’s motivation.
You’ve got your hands full doing that for yourself.
Focus on the 2 P’s that matter and your business will grow just fine!
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I love this post 🙂
I have been involved in network marketing since I was just 19 and the best part about this business is the amount of different people I get to talk to 🙂
Thanks Michelle! Wow, 19, that is awesome!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Good solid advice Jackie,
We can’t control what other people do, only what we do.
I spent too many years trying to manage and motivate and it got me no where. We’re “independent” business owners, not dependent.
Thanks for the reminder.
YES – the key is independent, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing Connie!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Thanks Jackie, this is brill, sweet & simple. Especially the ‘Valey Of Death’ I sometimes canot help myself & can get caught down tis valley but if I focus On P P the right way, the simple way I’ll rock it! Thanks
Oh, that Valley of Death! I think we have all been there, ha!
Thanks Rita!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hi Jackie,
Good advice here. I especially like: Do NOT take charge of – management and motivation for the prospect.
As the saying goes,
“A man convinced against his Will,
Is of the same opinion Still.”
Thanks Robert! And Sage advice! And, management and motivation once the person signs up, too!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer