Everyone is looking for that magic bullet, right? That perfect system that is going to get leads lining up at your door, and on your website, ready to join your business.
Sometimes, we look so hard we miss a key piece in the equation and that is the power in your own circle of influence.
Why are you avoiding notifying people you already know about your network marketing business? What are you afraid of with your warm market?
Here are the objections I often hear:
My friends and family aren’t interested in network marketing.
People here are different.
I’ve already shown them 50 other deals.
I’m going to wait until I am successful before I talk to people I know.
Do any of these sound familiar to you? Maybe you’ve said them, or are still saying them? Here is the thing – you are potentially VERY wrong on all counts.
Your family and friends may not have been interested in the last 50 things because their timing was not right. It really had less to do with you than you think.
If you are excited about your opportunity, aren’t you GRATEFUL to that person for sharing it with you? Don’t you want to be that person in someone’s live who you care about? You can very simply say –
I don’t know if you would be interested but…..
You know I’ve been looking for the right network marketing business for awhile, and I have done a ton of research and educated myself. I have finally found something that fits all of my criteria and I would just love to show it to you. It’s okay if you aren’t interested, but at least know what you are saying no to….
Are you diversifying your income at all given the current economy?
My home business has made such a difference in my life I would feel bad not sharing it with you and letting you decide for yourself if it might be a fit….
What’s the worst that can happen? Someone says no again. What’s the best? They say yes and together you build an amazing team, partnership and income, and travel the beaches of the world together. Oh YEAH!
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Thanks Jackie, you rock!
Thanks Lori!
I appreciate that!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer