What’s Vision Have to Do With Success?
“Where there is no vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18
You’ve likely heard this quote, even if you aren’t a “bible” person. And, while there is a great bit of debate about what it means, it does apply to all of us in life and business.
And, while “perish” might be a bit strong, it’s not at all when we think of perish in terms of our dream, hopes, goals and intentions.
It’s no secret that success comes when you SEE success in your mind first; when you feel it in your being; when you surround yourself with the magic of the reality of it.
Create a Powerful Vision of Success
Your mind is powerful and the vision you take the time to create in your mind first has the power to drive your future. Think about it.
Whether you like it or not, you are currently living the vision you have created for yourself. And, some people say – “Oh no, that can’t be true. I want XYZ and I am NOT living XYZ…”
Well, maybe not, but consciously or unconsciously you are focused on something else….
Tap into your resources and connect with what and who you need to.
Unless you can SEE yourself as a million dollar earner, or $10k or whatever, you are not going to do it. You can talk about it. But you won’t do it.
You have to BE before you can have. IT has to be clear in your mind first. I can show you how to blog, shoot videos and on and on. But, if you don’t have the mindset, none of the rest of it matters.
Read T. Harv Eker’s amazing Book – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – and see what happens for you!
If you are not into personal development and mindset, you are not going to have success. Perioid. Forget about it and go back to a job.
So, take some time TODAY and create that powerful vision. Speak it into existence, read it, say it daily, and believe it!
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EXPECT Success!
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Hi Jackie,
Thank you for the success tips. I totally agree with you that vision is crucial for our network marketing success. Apart from what you mentioned, our vision also helps us to stay on track. No obstacles are too big to overcome.
You are right, when we have a supportive team environment, success is so much easier. As many leaders have shared – often, the distributor persists because the mentor believes in her.
Great insights, Jackie! Thank you for sharing!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Its amazing how long people will spin their wheels, when all that is needed to move forward is to actually know where you are headed!
Imagine that future, and work daily, knowing you will actually live it.
Heck, if you never become a multi millionaire, but you are still financially free because you consistently grew your business, you have WON. You have done more than most ever will.
Love this Jackie 🙂
Thanks Melanie! Yes, knowing where you are headed is certainly a big start!
I appreciate you!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Awesome post…Faith without works is dead and the man who builds his castle on sand is a fool…