Are you like me? Have you spent a lot of time and energy searching for that “secret” in your Network Marketing business that is going to make the big difference in your business? You’ve searched for the perfect script; the perfect sizzle line; the perfect everything for your business.
Today, you are going to read about an idea that may surprise you with its simplicity, but I promise, it will knock your socks off, and increase your paycheck, if you decide to put it into play.
It’s the dream book. Or, dream board. Or, dream box.
That’s right – that place where you record your dreams – what you want to have; do; and be! The place where your magical journey begins to take shape first. After all, you must be able to SEE it in your scope; believe it in your mind; and feel it in your soul before it will be a reality in your life.
Don’t believe me? Ask any million or billionaire; any CEO or company founder; or any network marketer who started with nothing and made it to the top. It first started with a dream, a hope and a prayer. The ones that came true were documented on paper and read over and over.
At least, that is how it has gone for me. So, I encourage you to begin a dream book, board or box and here is how –
First, go to Barnes and Noble, or your favorite bookstore and get a journal type book. They have a large selection of leather bound (that’s what I chose), paisley, or you name it. Get one that fits your personality. Or, get a cool bulletin board that intrigues you. A nice decorative box will work also.
While you are there, you may want to buy some fun magazines that contain pictures of items you would like to have. Town and Country and the Robb Report are two that come to mind that have luxury and high profile items. Then, set aside some time alone to really dream, play and have fun with what you’d like your future to be and have!
Cut out pictures, powerful quotes and sayings, and lay out your book in a fun, creative style. Continue to add pictures and quotes as you find them, and even consider setting a date beside some of when you would like to achieve this goal.
Now, here comes the most important part – read through your dream book every night before you go to sleep and every morning before you get out of bed. Daydream and get yourself in that “feel good mood” so you are empowered to take inspired action in your business.
I promise you, by taking these few simple steps consistently, you will begin to experience some amazing success. And, success builds upon success.
Every time I flip through my dream book, I am amazed at the number of things that have come to pass without me spending serious time thinking about or working on it. As I began to write this blog entry, I realized my book needs some updating. I’ve managed to blow right through my recent monthly income goal! Time to update and stretch my mind a little further.
Please take some time to get your dream book together and then take even more time “playing” in the pages of it. Drop me a line and let me know how it’s going for you!
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EXPECT Success!
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I had the honor of meeting a billionaire once who talked very passionately about his dream book. I went right home and started mine, even though I had always “meant to!” Powerful reinforcement.
Today, I have a box, a book and a dream shelf in my closet. The shelf is the most powerful because I see it by default all the time, which reminds me to stop and take “inventory!” Thanks George and Jhanna for sharing your experiences!
Hi Jackie, great reminder thank you. I recently moved and my old vision board didn’t make it. Time to get a new one back up!
I have managed to hang onto 2 things though that are in alignment with the above:
1. My goals written on a ‘credit card’ sized card covered in plastic with my ultimate life goal written on it.
2. The same statement recorded onto my ipod which I listen to 3 times a week.
The latter took some time to get use to as they are big goals and I honestly felt a little ridiculous listening to myself say these things that initially felt way out of reach.
Fortunately I’ve reached the point where I can really engage in the emotion and I’m starting to feel like I’m insync with my life’s purpose.
Wow, you don’t seem to know how much you grow until you really know.
Thanks again Jackie! 🙂
.-= George Fourie´s last blog ..MLM Blogs: The Biggest Loser, Belief Systems & WordPress Membership Sites =-.
So beautiful and so simple, Jackie. This has always been one of my favorite tools. Just a tip, a lot of libraries have a table where people can drop off and pick up free magazines. Also, I ask my friends for magazines, mostly because their tastes in magazines may differ from mine and give me some ideas to images and dreams I haven’t even thought of!
Thanks for the reminder, friend. 🙂
In Gratitude,
Jhanna Dawson