You can be part-time in your Direct Sales – Network Marketing business, and be successful, but you can not be “spare time” and be successful. Momentum only comes through consistency.
Maybe you only have 5 hours per week to put toward your business. That’s okay. But, schedule that time. Get it in your day-timer and honor it, consistently.
Set up your calendar week by week, allocating time each day to work your MLM business. To do this, sit down on Sunday evening and plan your week. Mark down everything else in your “real” life that has to be done and then schedule in your business time after that. Then, honor that time and get busy.
Get organized from Day 1. This will help you immensely. Make sure you have a day-timer where you can write important scheduled events such as company conference calls, follow up phone calls to prospective partners, etc.
Also, get a notebook with dividers so you can keep track of important information on your company and business. I know this is the computer age, but sometimes you’ll need that info at your fingertips immediately.
I print off a lot of information on my leads and contacts for my business and keep them in a binder so I can grab the binder and make phone calls while I am waiting at kid’s activities, in traffic or wherever I might find a spare minute.
Squeeze in every possible minute you can to work your business. Give up TV, reading the newspaper, chatting endlessly on the phone, etc.
Sit down with your family and explain your needs to them with regard to your business. Ask for their support and assistance in honoring your business time.
Let people know that you have a business and are unavailable during your “business hours.”
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EXPECT Success!
Vary good Jackie — not only do you need to set time aside for your business but you have to put quality time in when you work on it — the business —
You need a game plan that is both effective and productive in producing results every day – some days it seems like there is little or not progress but other days – you are into a flow — and its wonderful on getting the results you want!
Work on your strengths and weaknesses — raise the bar on both —
Choose to become the best in your chosen area of expertise — yes — choose to become an expert in some area of your marketing and business —
If your work is some thing you love to do — it will be all the better for you and others as you work on it –
Nothing can replace wise choices and work with consistency!
Make your days special go beyond the here and now – gain an eternal perspective and gain an eternal reward for work you do now!
Roger L Martin @
I remember the first time I spoke with someone about starting a Network Marketing business. My exact words were ” I don’t have any spare time.” My kids were 1,3 and 9 and I had a more than FT Corporate America job. So, yes you do have make time…..even if it’s just a few hours each week. Keep it consistent. Thanks for sharing Jackie!
It’s harder making the time when the kids are small, but it can be done and it’s like anything, developing the HABIT!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
What a great idea to take a binder along wherever you go. I can think of lots of places to utilize that tool!
Hi Jackie,
I was just talking with someone today about this, great subject! You nailed it right on the head, you have to MAKE the time.
Love & Success,
Jill Shea
.-= Jill Shea´s last blog ..Strive For Balance – Imagine Life As A Game =-.