You’ve heard that before, right? No mystery! So how come we seem to quickly forget that in our network marketing business.
Which do you think is more engaging to your prospect?
You, rambling on about the patents and celebrity endorsements, or some high tech new strain of something-something found in the rain forests that is now exclusively in YOUR product?
Or, the real life story of someone who solved a problem, similar to your prospect’s?
If you want to stop hearing the objection – oh, I’m not good at sales – then stop acting like a sales person! Share stories, be engaging, generate interest!
Here is an example of the stories you want to create and SHARE –
So, what stories have worked best for you? I would love to hear!
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
That’s right. This reminds me of the success behind empower network where a simple story told on a webinar laid the foundation for a multi-million dollar company. Stories work wonders.