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Social Media Conversation Starters and Status Updates
Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #104.
One question that comes up over and over again is – How do I get more engagement and interaction on Social Media? How do I connect with my target audience there.
This is a great question and one that many struggle with.
Let’s go through some Social Media Marketing conversation starters for your network marketing business and any business, honestly!
And, as you scroll down, you’ll see some photos that performed well, just to give you ideas, including some I didn’t mention like lifestyle photos without jamming your business in their face. (See the one – office hours at the beach!) Click each photo to enlarge and see red arrows for explanation.
If you want to take your business to a new level and have essentially a training university at your fingertips, Direct Sales Online Coach provides just that –
A – Z coaching on how to launch and succeed in Network Marketing, and how to take things to a new level with developing your online presence and brand and attract those people who go online looking for a business. Learn more – JackieUlmer.com/coach
iTunes Show Review Shout Outs!
Shout out to Teresa Koontz, who writes – I wish I could shrink Jackie and put her into my pocket. Whenever I have self doubt, I listen and re-listen to one of her shows to bring me back to what I was meant to do.
Do YOU want a shout out? Do you have people on your team who you want taking action, refer them to the podcast!
And, make sure your name is entered in the drawing for a free month of Social Media Backstage Pass Coaching coaching by completing your review! Go to https://JackieUlmer.com/itunes
Social Media Marketing Conversation Starters
I don’t know why, but knowing what to do while out and about on Social Media in order to market (not sell) my Network Marketing business came naturally for me.
But, clearly, based on questions and feedback I hear, it does NOT for many people.
So I thought we could run through a few ideas on what you can post out there to invite engagement and attract more of your target audience.
1. Request feedback
People LOVE to give feedback. You can ask for feedback about products, business ideas, and so on.
2. Use Humor
Humor makes everything more fun, and at the same time, you must be careful. Funny, clean, straight and narrow jokes can go a long way!

3. Share a personal story
Why do you think reality TV is so popular? People like to be on “the inside!”
4. Share business tips and stats
What’s going on in the business world and how can that add value? Great way to get shares, likes and Retweets.
5. Pictures paint a thousand words
Look for funny, slightly controversial or unexpected photos that create engagement. Like humor, use good judgement.
Funny, inspirational, and motivational all work well to illicit comments and shares. This is especially true for image quotes.

7. Social and breaking news
Remember these are social sites so share social and trending updates. Who’s playing in the world series? March madness? Top cities to retire (yahoo.com is great for this!) And, when there is breaking news, weigh in. I live in California, earthquake rumblings are common. Makes for good engagement.
8. Polls or surveys, yes or no
Asking your fans to participate in a survey or poll not only gets them talking, it gets them invested in finding out the results. This is great for getting people to contribute their answer. And, they love to come back and see what others shared.
9. Share a question you’ve been asked by a follower
Share a question and ask what others would do in that situation.
10. ‘What would you do’ questions
Share an experience and then ask your followers what they would in that situation. I have a book of questions I use.

11. Traveling? Ask for recommendations
When you are traveling, ask for suggestions. Restaurants, hotels, theater and so on. People LOVE to share their faves!
12. Fill in the blank
An oldie but a goodie. Make a statement but let your fans fill in the blank. Example: “My favorite thing to do on the weekends is ___________”. Or, The best thing about my career is _______”
13. What is your favorite memory
Share your own favorite memory, or ask your fans to share theirs!
14. Ask a random question
These can be amazing – Are you a coffee drinker? Tea? Or neither? Morning person or late night moonlighter!
1. Have a strategy for this.
2. Be sure you are also out commenting and engaging on the posts of others to help YOU stay in their newsfeed.
3. Be consistent, have fun!
4. Avoid drama!
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
Has this show helped you? Tweet me – @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
Good luck in your business
Do you have a question? Ask it at JackieUlmer.com/questions
Until next time – remember this – Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
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That would help immensely in getting the word out! Thanks.
<—— Did this podcast help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!
Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
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This is awesome Jackie!
Love it!