Social Media and Blogging In 20 Minutes a Day
One of the hardest things to make time for, especially when you are working full time or have small ones at home (or both) is finding time for blog posts and creating content for social media sites.
And, this can be a stumbling block for some who wonder –
What can I write about? What do I say?
I have felt your pain, many years ago when I started online marketing and realized that I needed to be able to add value and content online to get my name out there and develop relationships with like minded people. After all that is what the internet is all about.
Here is how I create content and make my time count and “get it done.”
If we are connected on facebook or twitter, you may notice that I have a “Note” or blog post added every few days. But, here’s a secret. I don’t create this content everyday. I do content in blocks of time for one or two weeks in advance, and then use the “Posting options” feature that most blogs have to allow your content to “post” at designated times.
I may create 10-14 short business blurbs in one, two hour sitting, add them to my blog and set them up to post everyday or two. I have my blogs hooked in through Twitter Facebook and Google Plus applications so that my postings automatically show up.
I learned how to do this just by playing around, so if you have a blog, look at the posting options and see if you don’t have a function allowing you to set the date and time.
If you can set your Single Daily Actions and weekly actions up to make the most of chunks of time, you’ll get extremely efficient and effective and will find that managing a business both online and offline is not that tricky.
Where to find content? Last week I pulled out two 1999 Upline Magazines and took ideas from that. No, I didn’t just copy what I read but I took one person’s 10 tips for something and found 5 ideas from that and put those into my own words. I found someone else’s article on relationship building and re-wrote it.
If you don’t have Jan Ruhe’s M.L.M. Nuts and Bolts, GET IT! There is limitless content that you can take from that and put into your own words. Same with Zig Ziglar’s Network Marketing for Dummies.
Priceless nuggets that you can pull from and create great content.
Finally, search out other blogs and post comments (of value) and begin generating name recognition from those who also visit that blog. What do I mean by value? Don’t just say “Good job.” That doesn’t provide value to those who read comments (and there are many!) Writing something more about what you actually GOT from the content is best.
I made a blog post comment last week on someone’s blog and got a personal email thank you from the blog owner, picked up 10 names for my own newsletter and 14 Twitter followers. Keep in mind, these are quality, targeted leads who are already interested in my message. Much better than random followers who have no clue who you are! Never know where those things will lead!
Squeeze in time for your internet marketing efforts as you continue to build in other ways. I spend only about 20 to 40 minutes a day actually ON social media sites, unless I am done with other things and it’s into the evening and too late to be calling leads, etc. Sometimes while the kids are doing homework, I can hang with my laptop and “Tweet” on twitter or jump around on facebook. I always work to make that time count.
And, remember to be SOCIAL as much as business on SOCIAL media sites. Instead of blasting your opportunity, mention what’s great about your business that fits into your lifestyle. People will become attracted and click on your profile to learn more. You don’t even need to post a link if you are providing value!
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
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EXPECT Success!
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Thank you for the blog. I have a blog and a Face Book fan page that I use to help build my bran, and I also write articles for Associated Content. I’ve struggle forever with finding and spending too much time each day writing. I fail to make phone calls and get other things done because of all the time I spend writing. I love the idea of writing many blogs and posts all at once and have them go out through out the week. I will use that trick for my biz. Thank you so much!
Michelle Adams
Terrific tips! Jackie reinforced the importance of “if there’s a will, there’s a way”. If someone is really motivated and serious about their direct sales/network marketing business, she/he will find a way to learn new skills. Most direct sales opportunities provide free learning tools such as social media in addition to prospecting training. It is always up to the consultant to get plugged in and take advantage of these tools! I also like what Jackie said about using your time on Facebook and Twitter wisely and not spend hours bantering about movies or get caught up in mundane conversations.
Hi Jackie,
Great post, some good ideas that I will have to implement in my blogs.
Thanks alot.
Hi Jackie,
Great article and just what I was looking for. Some of my team has been asking me about this exact topic and I’m excited to share your article. It reinforces what I’ve been training them to do.
Yes, effective social media is NOT about sitting on the Internet; Facebook; or Twitter all day. It’s having a precise plan; getting in/getting out and making every second COUNT! Be very disciplined with your time; it’s like gold!
Yes I agree with you all, this is one great info. I guess it will improve my self in blogging using this method. Again Thank You! and God Bless!
Thanks for the quality info, Jackie. I actually did not know about this information. I will definitely use this from now on. Thanks again!
.-= Sheatina Sparks´s last blog ..Would You Like to Work for 4 Years or 40 Years? =-.
Great post, Jackie! I used to struggle with this a lot too, until I discovered the feature in WordPress to schedule posts into the future.
Now, I sit down and block out a couple of hours on the weekend and schedule them for the coming week. It’s such a time-saver and then frees up my time to continue developing those great relationships.
I had to admit, though, I’m still not quite understanding Friend Feed, though.
.-= Patty Gale´s last blog ..Total Transparency and Trust =-.
Jackie – I loved this! Thank you! I am wanting to do blogging and such so bad, but get overwhelmed with lack of time and therefore just don’t do it. I think using this method I can become more consistent and even more focused. Brilliant and thank you for posting this!
This really is a great post and I thank you for sharing it. When I sit down to write my articles I open up another word document since I am constantly receiving new ideas from the material that I want to produce that day. Doing this allows me to not get off track and stay focused on the task at hand.
By creating content in this manner it frees up my mind to be even more creative since it doesn’t have to hold onto an idea or thought. I just write it down and then revisit it later.
Because Social Media plays such a big part in my overall marketing strategy I tend to give it at least 30 minutes a day. I do this in very compartmentalized ways. In the morning I can load up my twitter account for the day using a service like Hootsuite then in the evening depending on which day it is I will spend 20 -25 minutes on Facebook or one of the Ning sites that I am active in.
The trick to being productive is truly just being consistent with whichever strategy you choose to build your business with.
Keep up the great work Jackie. Your blog really rocks!
To Our Massive Success,
So nice to “See you” here and connect. Thanks for your comments and insight! Hope all is amazing in your world.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hey Jackie, Brilliant work you’re doing – I’ve been following your blog and posts and you’ve nailed it. Excellent resource for anyone serious about networking as a profession. As they say: good on ya! Amy
.-= Amy Posner´s last blog ..Your MLM Business – Game On! =-.