Are you wondering how “Joe Average” makes it in a Network Marketing business? Do you have to become some hyped up sales magnet in order to achieve what it is you want? Do you have to spend hours pounding the phones, calling deadbeat “opportunity leads” who can’t remember ever requesting information on a business, and have no interest in “paying to sell stuff for someone else?”
What you need to understand and master are the skills to be successful in your business. We do two very simple things in Network Marketing –
We share the products/services with others and we sign up customers. (I personally work with a lot of people who make a decent income just focused on signing up and KEEPING happy customers.)
We share the opportunity with others, in a non “Salesy” way and we teach those who say yes how to do the same!
Most people make the mistake of saying TOO much when they make that initial contact. In most cases, what we do is a SHOWING business and not a TELLING business.
This short video explains what I mean –
The second thing you MUST understand and skill you MUST develop is that of understanding how important it is to FOLLOW up, and be consistent, allowing others to become interest and sign up in your business when it’s right for them.
Here’s more on that –
And, finally, understand why it is so important to launch your business quickly and create a powerful 30 Day Story – and you can start that 30 days RIGHT NOW!!!
How are you doing with developing these skills? I would love your thoughts and comments below! I promise to respond!!!
Great article, Jackie. I especially liked the last video about creating your 30 day story – a very powerful thing to have, and ‘Beat the Box’ is a brilliant idea!
I like “Beat the Box” too! Great concept!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer