It’s so exciting when we first start our business, isn’t it? Even if it’s a few hundred dollars a month extra we are looking for in the beginning, most of us can’t help but glance “behind the curtain” and imagine what it would be like to create an income that would truly give us time and financial freedom; the ability to fire a boss….
Where we often make the mistake, though, is that we forget that those who have already arrived there did so following the same path that has likely been outlined for us.
Instead of following what is tried, tested and proven, we want to deviate off; do our own thing because “our friends are different”; or people in my town don’t have money; or – insert excuse here.”
Can you relate?
We have a wash, rinse and repeat. We contact, invite, present, followup, train and duplicate.
Make your list, reach out to a few people with some good success language. STAY OUT of sales mode.
Use third party tools – don’t try to explain the business and for God’s Sakes, don’t try to explain the comp plan. Get them to a webinar, a video or some tool that does the heavy lifting for you.
Ask for a decision – a yes, no or maybe is a success. It really is because it moves you to the next step!
Keep doing it!
So, if you are feeling frustrated, like things are not happening like you thought they would, or expected them to, do this – get out the basic training, or getting started guide (or whatever it’s called in your company) and go through it.
Have you completed the steps outlined there? Have you done each thing entirely, as outlined, and do you have measurable results (good or bad) from it?
If you haven’t started with the baby steps, it becomes challenging to begin to sprint.
Make sense? I hope you’ll commit to the proven path to success. I’ll see you along the way, and at the top!
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EXPECT Success!
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