When we “Sell the Dream”, Should We Also Sell the “Reality?
I was recently asked by someone who has been involved in Network Marketing for over 20 years and had little to no success about whether it is right or wrong, or even unethical to “Sell the Dream” in Network Marketing. I thought it might make for a worthy discussion and get the opinion’s of this crowd.
What do YOU think?
Selling the dream is so vague. WHAT dream are you selling and who’s dream is it?
And, if we are selling the dream, do we also paint the realistic picture of what it actually takes to make an MLM and Direct Sales business profitable? Do we share that it is by no means “get rich quick” and that it is going to take 2 to 5 years with a solid business plan?
My thought it that we create a win-win for everyone if we sell the dream along with sharing the reality of the work that is involved in attaining that dream. We might sign up fewer people, but we also might experience much lower attrition and create more success for more people, including ourselves.
We do much more than buy a book on “how-to”; talk to a few friends and family and then sail off into the sunset.
For me, I just share my story, from the heart and speak only about what my success has allowed me to create for myself and my family. I NEVER share my income and NEVER ask others to share theirs.
Everyone’s dream is different. So many in Network Marketing sell the “dream” of flashy cars, large homes, second homes, flashy jewelry, etc. That has never been my dream so none of that was ever appealing to me. In fact, it was and still is a total turn off.
I look through home business magazines and see so many of the advertisements with people standing in front of the cars and houses and I think – “Yuck! Big ego, wouldn’t want to work with that person.”
They may be really nice, really successful, etc, but that first impression tells me I would not like their style of working this business and would not want to have them interact with my team or prospects.
So, selling the dream, to me, can be done very effectively by sharing your story, ALL of it. Including what it has taken to get to the point you are, and the times you may have wanted to quit.
I look back on my own 16 years and realize what an extreme personal journey it has been. In many ways, I am uncertain how to share that with someone who’s looking at the business. It’s been sheer grit and determination to succeed and reach the top.
It was SO worth it and painful many times. Not as painful as what my life might have looked like otherwise.
Sell the dream; share your own story; and detail for your prospects what it’s going to really take to build that gangster income and lifestyle. Then, roll up your sleeves together and get to work.
Integrity is always in style, especially in this business!
I value your opinion. What say you?
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
George, great and thought provoking thoughts! Dreams are so unique and for me FREEDOM is what it is all about!
Thanks to everyone for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hi Jackie, it’s about time someone brings this up for discussion.
I guess there is a real fine line between hype, flashy cars, big dollar bills (rubbish) and really using good communication skills to understand EXACTLY what someone wants from the business.
It’s so easy to assume everyone wants what we want, but that’s of course never the case. Yes, money, but what for?
What’s that one thing that has a strong emotional appeal that will get them to take action and push away the fears and excuses.
That’s vital in my opinion.
But selling a dream of ‘Get in Now while it’s hot’ ‘Be the first it’s in prelaunch’ just attracts the quick buck crowd that will look for the next hot opportunity NEXT MONTH.
That dream to me is just a dream. Better luck with lottery tickets.
.-= George Fourie´s last blog ..Video Blog Tools: 5 Gadgets You Simply Can’t Do Without [Video] =-.
You made a key point when stating everyone’s dream is different. We seek what we wish to find. We all hunger for something. Some people need the flashy car, some need a deeper purpose. A great leader has the ability to assist a business partner in creating a vision and an action plan based on the individuals level of motivation. You may not wish to follow the leader who flashes bling, but could you lead someone who is motivated by bling?
I believe Orrin Woodward hit on a great point in “Launching a Leadership Revolution ” when he talks about the 3 levels of motivation. 1. Material Success 2. Recognition and Respect 3. Purpose, Destiny and Legacy. He states “What does matter is that would-be leaders understand the importance of hunger in it’s various forms, how to discover it, stoke it’s flames and fan it into a blazing inferno. And as any leader will soon discover, real, true lasting accomplishment come mostly from the “deeper” levels of motivation.” A good leader/mentor meets us where we are and guides us to those deeper levels.
In all honesty from someone who is begining the journey, you can tell me your story, you can tell me how much effort it will require, but, until I find my motivation, my dream, commit to the process and take action I am unable to truly understand what you have told me. What you have told me is yours and just that, a story. So my dream becomes my begining and your story encourages my belief. So yes, sell me the dream and teach me how to reach it. It’s a win-win.
Selling them on THEIR dream is darn near required— and as always the power of Creative Tension (the stretched rubber band) only exists if the other hand is holding a true picture of Current Reality.
Thanks Jackie.
I appreciate you.
.-= John Fogg´s last blog ..Blind-Sided By Bright-Sided (in a good way) =-.
It’s interesting how like attracts like. Those who are into “the dream” will attract more who are into that, and the ensuing pro’s and con’s of being in that mode. I personally like the “slow and steady” or “get rich slow” approach!
.-= Karen Clark´s last blog ..Why Blog? =-.
This is a great post as usual Jackie! I personally have been on both sides of the fence. I’ve been told by hungry recruiters that “it’s easy”, “you’ll make a lot of money,” and “you’ll make your investment back ASAP”. None of which were true of course.
Then, I’ve been on the other side of the fence where the recruiter laid out all the pros and cons for me, and actually talked me out of the opportunity. Weird huh?
I think there has to be balance in the presentation and allow the potential recruit to make the decision. I do think it’s important that they know it is not an easy, get rich quick business. No true business worth having is really ever easy anyway.
It takes hard work and dedication — lots of both. But there are great examples of success, like you, that allow others to dream. And, MLM or network marketing gives people the opportunity to make their dreams come true. They just have to invest their time and dedication to make that dream a reality.
.-= Ivette Muller´s last blog ..Business Lessons from my OB/GYN: Relationship Marketing at Work =-.