Who’s In Charge of Your Success?
Most people tend to focus on what they don’t want. They do this because they are not intentional and focused on giving their mind the exact thing they want it achieve.
If you don’t know what you want, or what direction you want to head, your mind is going to take you all over the place.
Any area of your life that you are not specific in, will be all over the map – business, relationships, weight and fitness, health, and so on.
Think about where you are right now in these different areas. Do you see some truth to this?
You have to help your unconscious take control by feeding it what you want.
Tap into your own motivations and reasons why and then work it down as to WHY, what will that give you that you don’t have now?
Why do I want this? And, when you get the answer, dig down even deeper.
Why will THAT make a difference?
And, then, what will that give me that I don’t already have?
See your success into the now
Really, the only reason you don’t have what you want is because you have never really believed it was possible….for you.
A lot of what you are believing is making you miserable. Think about it…
Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? Who makes the rules? Who decides?
You have your results, and you want to increase them, right? Your current behaviors are creating your results. You are exactly where YOU have made yourself be. Once you can get over whining about that, it is freeing.
So, define your why…
And, from that, define your purpose…
We all have a purpose. What is yours?
How might that inspire you and keep you moving forward to that goal…beyond the obstacles…
My mission:
To help others build the business (from home) and the lifestyle of their dreams…doing it THEIR way (online) and not the way “they” say it has to be built (home parties/meetings; hotel meetings; endless 3 way calls; and so on…)
I don’t like this statement –
You have to follow the system…
Who said? Who made the rules?
I make my own rules. And, so do you.
Transform your thinking, transform your beliefs, transform your actions, transform your results.
IF you know what to do, and you aren’t getting there; something is haywire.
Your purpose will get you unstuck. Define not only your why, but also your purpose. Tap into your purpose and your motivations will change; your inner resources will spring to life and the path will be much more clear.
Your mental barriers are what hold you back; not lack of knowledge about what to do. Why are you stuck? Dig deep within and see what you can find. Clear out some of those barriers; release them; let go of selfish ambition; shift it to focus on others. Every step is an experience you gain from.
You have the ability to influence and impact some one else.
What have you gone through and overcome that you can then help someone else with. Take your experiences and pour it into other people.
What it really takes for you to succeed is ALL of you – who you ARE. Letting go of the events and stigmas that have held you back.
SEE it as if it were now…
Believe it and transform your life…
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Want more tips and trainings? Get Profit In Your PJs NOW!
Hey Jackie!
I love what you are always sharing on your blog. Yes, we all have so many barriers that we need to overcome in our lives before we can move forward and become more successful.
All the top leaders had many obstacles they had to overcome before they embraced their greatness and began to inspire people. I believe that awareness is the first key into many of the things that you have mentioned.
We have to first be aware of our thoughts, what we are thinking, before we can choose to alter our thoughts with positive and successful ideas. Too often, we are operating in “automatic mode” that we do not even know that what our thoughts, are not feeding the direction we want to head. Only when we realize that what we are thinking is not supporting our goals, can we change these thoughts.
Our why and our purpose is definitely key in keeping us moving towards our goals.
Thanks for the tips Jackie! 🙂
Darren Spruyt
Thanks Darren! As they say – our business is a personal development program disguised as a business opportunity!
Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I LOVE your ideas about doing business at home, online. You’ve given me courage to take the steps necessary to put things into ACTION instead of just mulling them over, and over, and over. Thank you so very, very much.
Awesome Teresa!
I LOVE what I call my “pinch me” business. Have fun, do what you love; share ideas online and sponsor people who want to do the same!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer