When one first gets started in a Party Plan or Network Marketing company, it’s not uncommon to have a hesitation calling people about booking a party; sharing our product line and our opportunity.
And, we know if we don’t, well, we really don’t have a business then do we? So, let’s cover some ways to get your business launched and keep those bookings and repeat customers coming in.
First, it’s all about the language you use. Are you making it sound fun and irresistible? Sharing the benefits of what your host will get through fun and free products? Or, are you making the mistake of asking for a favor?
This video shares some tips on holding your business launch party; and booking your calendar from that initial party.
If you study and learn the “party plan system”, you won’t be challenged finding bookings again. Your calendar will be full; your friends will be happy and most likely willing to book another party with you in the future!
And that creates the ultimate win-win, and a sure step toward success for you in your business!
Do you see how simple this method can be and how it’s sure to create a lot more interest among your friends and others?
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let’s exchange ideas
below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Great video. I like the idea of having posture and not asking for a favor. Give your host a REASON to want to host a party. Explain how much fun it will be.
Thanks for the great video. What if you are in a network marketing company and you want to promote the business through home parties? I have not found very much in the way of teaching on this topic.
Hey Jeromy!
Here is an article I wrote on that VERY topic! Hope that helps! Enjoy!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Thanks for the great video. What if you are in a network marketing company and you want to promote the business through home parties? I have not found very much in the way of teaching on this topic.
At the end of the party you could do a three minute overview about the business opportunity. And then you could follow up with anyone interested in learning more.