What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of sales?
The overly aggressive person who is browbeating you to buy?
Someone who is busy rambling on about all of the amazing features of the product you are looking at but has done nothing to learn more about why you might be interested?
Often, in Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan, we say (or a prospect says):
I’m not good at sales. Or, I don’t like to sell.
What that REALLY means is that he or she does not want to become that pushy, aggressive sales type that we conjure up in our minds when we think of sales. And I say “Good!” We don’t want you to be that way.
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Thanks for writing this post , i find the information that you have shared of great value to the people that i connect with and going to pass this on to my tribe. I look forward to reading more from you.
Thanks Chris! I do think it is important that we change the way we see “sales” and educate people in that way. I appreciate your feedback!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer