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Building a Network Marketing Business When My Children Are My Priority
It’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast
Have you struggled as a mom, or dad, trying to build a Network Marketing business on the side, while maybe working full time, or even if you’re home full time with the kids, worrying about breaking up your time and spending some of it on your business? You’ll love today’s show, then….
Today’s show is brought to you by – SocialMediaBackstagePass.com
Is it really possible to build a successful network marketing business online? To have people come to you, already sold on a business, already interested in Network Marketing? Yes it is, I have done it and you can, too. In this inner circle coaching program, you will learn how to get started and rock out blog, use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus to attract and sponsor people into your business. And, you’ll create a buzz on social media that will work for you 24/7 forever! I’ve sponsored over 1700 people personally using these concepts and you can, too. Learn more at SocialMediaBackstagePass.com
Today’s question is…
I really want to work my Network Marketing business but my kids are my priority, so what do I do?
With all due respect, this is an excuse for something else, not a valid reason for not working a Network Marketing business.
My kids were my why and my #1 priority as well, and that is exactly WHY I worked my business.
Oh, I know, I used them as an excuse, too, until one day, I met one of my mentors at an event, and had a serendipitous chance to have breakfast with her alone at a B and B. I shared my challenges and she laughed at me.
As a single mom of 3 small children and a six figure divorce debt looming, she worked her business to support herself, her children and pay off her debt.
Here is what she reminded me –
Work your business FOR your children.
Work your business FOR you, so you have something later.
Get them involved.
Dream build and set goals with them.
Teach them entrepreneurial skills.
Take them with you to events when age appropriate.
Make it a family business.
Use a calendar.
Put their time first and then communicate your business times.
Share what must be done before you can do other things.
You’ll feel better about yourself, your business and life in general.
My kids only remember the good, now. Not times on the phone or any of that.
You can do it, but you have to want to!
Good luck in your business
Do you have a question? Ask it at https://JackieUlmer.com/questions
Until next time – remember this – Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
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EXPECT Success!
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That is exactly what I’m doing, Jackie! I HAVE to involve them, otherwise it doesn’t work. I always tell my older 2 daughters that everything they do is important and helps with the FAMILY BUSINESS. They know we have set a goal to save some money for a Disney World joint birthday celebration for them next year, so that keeps them motivated. 😉