Are you making your prospecting conversations about you or your prospect?
Find a need; offer a solution; build a Network Marketing and Direct Sales Business to last. You’ll make a friend and colleague for life.
Remember this, for the most part, your prospect is not nearly as interested in your products or your compensation plan as he/she is in making some sort of change in their life. Most people aren’t just looking to add something more to their life. The decision to join your business has more to do with how they can make some other changes.
Learn some tips to:
Establish Rapport – remember this acronym STAIR
Ask and Listen
Find the Emotional Why (this is much more important than the “financial” why)
Connect their emotional why with what you offer
Invite them to JOIN you
Let’s cover each of these a little more in-depth. Tips from – Click the play on the video:
Remember, the prospecting conversation is only ever about YOU when you are making the decision about a business. Keep your prospect’s needs at the top of your priority list and build a strong, successful Network Marketing and Direct Sales business.
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And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hey Koli!
Yes, you can and I sent you the embed code, Thanks!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Can you please help me? Can I use your video on my website?
Hi Jackie,
Awesome information. Without building rapport and knowing the needs and wants of your prospect, you really don’t know if you can help them or not. Too many of us try to rush this process.
Thanks for the solid info. Talk soon.
As always Gregory, we are on the same page! Thanks for sharing and reinforcing that “great minds think alike!” (Am I allowed to say that, ha ha?)
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
This is from the DSWA’s Principle Centered Sponsoring. People can find out more about the training (it’s offered through their ELITE Leadership Certification program as well) at The info on ELITE is at
Thanks Karen! Nicki did an evening meeting for our DSWA group this past summer and covered some of the basics of this. It is very powerful!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer