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Posers, Players and Professionals in Network Marketing, Which Are You?
Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show #96.
In the last show, we talked about the 7 skills you must master to become a network marketing professional. You’ll find it at JackieUlmer.com/095.
In Today’s show, I want to cover the difference between Posers Players and Professionals In Network Marketing, and then you can decide – which one are you NOW; and is that the one you want to be?
Well, here is an area most don’t want to really think about, because very often, when we first hear this, we don’t like to think where we fall.
Are you a poser, player or professional in your network marketing business? Most people start as the first one – a poser; and a percentage move quickly into the second one. that of player.
It’s only a very small percentage that take it seriously enough to become a true Network Marketing Professional.
Are you looking for coaching to be successful in your Network Marketing business? Want to also learn how to generate your own leads online? My Inner Circle Coaching Program may be just what you need. Learn more at – JackieUlmer.com/coach
iTunes Show Review Shout Outs!
Shout out to Stagmeister, who writes – Jackie has a unique way of conveying truth and sincerity. Emphasizing YOU and what you like as your brand. Avoiding the guru culture. She is genuine and a great listener. Worlds of knowledge and experience.
Do YOU want a shout out? Do you have people on your team who you want taking action, refer them to the podcast!
And, make sure your name is entered in the drawing for a free month of Social Media Backstage Pass Coaching coaching by completing your review! Go to https://JackieUlmer.com/itunes
Posers, Players and Professionals in Network Marketing
Let me start by saying I have been all three and am highly qualified to educate and share on this topic. And, I have gone back and forth between the first two, several times, and even the second and third a time or two!
You may find yourself in these descriptions. You are in great company. Many, many of us start here.
Have about 3-8 people in mind for the business and are hoping and praying they will join, be superstars and make everyone rich!
They have a conversation with a prospect or two; or team partner, and they complain about everything. This is a poser.
Another example of a poser is those who Missing In Action. They say they will do something, and then they drop off the face of the earth. They don’t return calls, or email. Seriously? Yikes, come on. At least act like a professional when it comes to bowing out gracefully.
Don’t attend events or conference calls, and have an excuse for everything.
Mental vs written list – think it’s a waste of time and don’t really intend to call any of them any way.
Get involved in busy work. Flyers, websites, conference calls, Facebook groups and so on.
Give it a try.
Small written list.
Already know what to say and “their friends are different” so they don’t need 3rd party tools.
Look for outside motivators.
Start and stop constantly.
Look for bright shiny objects and shortcuts.
May go to an event or two, but don’t really take it seriously.
They might have an ah ha moment at an event though,
Players are recoverable, and they teeter. You must be in good communication and see what you can do to keep them in the game and shift to a professional.
They take it seriously.
They don’t know everything or pretend to, but say – teach me.
They make their written list and begin contacting.
They have fears, but their why is much stronger than any fear.
They attend events.
They call you.
They stay optimistic. They understand how to handle shutdowns and set realistic expectations for the business.
They will role play with their sponsor and take the time to write out their contacting success language. They learn the tools and how to use them.
They work their calendar.
They study the business skills needed and practice, drill and rehearse.
Anyone can become a professional at any time. It involves life long learner mode and then teaching what is learned.
IT’s being coachable.
It’s realizing that it’s not a lottery ticket; that it takes work, like any other successful endeavor does.
Pretty soon, everyone wants to know how you “did it” and the truth is, there is no secret, just sticking to it.
So, which are you now, and where do you want to be?
1. Determine who you are and where you want to be.
2. Make your list – have you done that?
3. Have a business action plan, every day, even if NOTHING is on it.
4. Hold yourself accountable and ask your sponsor to as well.
5. What is your weakness and how can you improve it?
6. What event is on your calendar?
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
Has this show helped you? Tweet me – @jackieulmer and if you have a question for the show, add the hashtag #JackieUlmer
Good luck in your business
Do you have a question? Ask it at JackieUlmer.com/questions
Until next time – remember this – Hesitation Never Cashed a Check!
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That would help immensely in getting the word out! Thanks.
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
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It is like so much in life Jackie, isn’t it?
Ultimately you can put your toe in the water, play around the edges, or even jump in and out of the pool a few times. But if you really want to play the game you must commit – jump in – learn the rules and the skills!
Successful people can take their time making decisions and even testing the waters. What make them successful in network marketing or anything for that matter, is when they make a decision to move forward they move forward with Gusto! Determination! Fortitude! From the outside others think these people are special and must have some kind of magical method.
We know that the reality is completely different than that image. Successful people – The Professionals – work hard, show up, constantly educate themselves, break through their internal barriers, never give up.
Great post Jackie!
Thanks for sharing your well spoken thoughts Deborah! I appreciate it!
There is no magic, that’s for sure!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
It seems to me that it’s the lifelong, same, old song. Professionals take the business seriously, work hard at learning their craft, acquire (and use) the necessary tools.
The posers and players treat it like a game or hobby, don’t work at it, then whine and complain when they don’t make a million dollars in 30 days – or less.
With attitudes like that, there is no wonder that 3% of the people in the world own and control everything and the rest all work for them.
So true Nathan! Thanks for weighing in. The 80/20 rule is alive and well in all of life, not just Network Marketing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer