Retail to Recruit with Parties
Have you incorporated “Party Style” into your Direct Sales business? What would an extra $500 – 1500 a month mean to your business?
How much easier do you think it might be to sponsor people into your business if they could actually see you making money? Did you know that the “Retail to Recruit” style of building your business is the most simple, duplicable method there is?
Why? Well, in the traditional style of only offering opportunity, no one ever actually sees money being made. It’s an abstract concept.
Imagine in today’s economy how powerful it would be to show someone how to make $60-100 an hour having fun at a theme party with friends for a couple of hours; demonstrating your products and being social!
Pick a theme; set a date and invite your center of influence over. From there, ask them to host a party for you and share the benefits of what they will get! Watch how your income and your team grows when you learn the proper way to plant the seeds of opportunity with every retail event you create!
Remember – sales is not a dirty word. People buy every day! Present your products proudly and with flair and you’ll be amazed at your results!
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
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EXPECT Success!
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You know I’m passionate about this topic, Jackie! Great post. I’d love to get “the word out” to network marketers that home party/retail events are an amazing addition to their business models.
Thanks again for covering this topic so beautifully!
Julie Anne
And there is no one better to do this than you, Ms. Julie Anne, as you are a walker/talker and have set a shining example that this can be a powerful part of anyone’s business model!
Thanks for being a big part of opening my eyes to the concept!
I appreciate YOU!