Gary Vaynerchuk’s outstanding book, “Crush It” makes so many amazing points that are critical to success in Network Marketing; Direct Sales or whatever business YOU are building for YOU!
I am re-reading it for the 3rd time and pick up new stuff each time! One point he makes quite well is that of branding yourself; and I agree so strongly with what he is saying. Have you read it? Get it now!
This is a goal I set out to achieve nearly 11 years ago when I took my business online. My goal was to develop my own style; following and community around the values; methods and ways I feel strongly about in my life and business.
He makes some clear points on “brand building”:
“Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion online. Whether you are delivering your content by video, podcast or blog. it’s the authentic you, the one thing that is guaranteed to differentiate you from everybody else, INCLUDING those who share your niche and business model.”
As you use social media to promote yourself; your business and whatever else you do, reflect on whether or not you are showing your authentic self at all times. This does not mean you have to get “super personal” on all levels. Everyone doesn’t need to know EVERYTHING about your personal life and how you live it.
Just be sure that “Who you are” online matches who you are in real life. People will know a fake immediately!
For me, when I started online, I was a mom with small children working with them by my side, building a business and a lifestyle. “Profit in Your PJs” became my tagline! My goal was and is to show other moms, and anyone else, that it is possible to build a successful network marketing business and a successful family at the same time. That became my brand.
That is still my brand today. Although, my life situation is much different with two teenagers and much more time and freedom in my business. And, I still love supporting moms (and others) and coaching them through the challenges of building that business.
So, who are you, and who is the brand you are building online? What is the message you want to deliver? Who is your target audience, or “tribe?”
Make sure that voice shines through loud and clear! Social Media Marketing makes it so much easier to do this! You have a community out there waiting to embrace you!
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Hey Jackie,
This is about the 3rd time I have heard this book mentioned, but I still have not read it. I can definitely say that I agree with everything that I have heard about it so far though:) Thanks for sharing
3rd time is the charm! I say read it for sure and put it into play!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hey Jackie! Thanks for mentioning this! I got Gary Vee’s book! It’s sold in Singapore 🙂 After i read it, i realise that i have made a mistake, which u have pointed out “Being Yourself”. Haha. Previously, I tried to be a fake, which I was told that it works, but I failed terribly. I rethink of my marketing and branding again.
And Jackie, mine might be a little similar like yours… You teach mums how to build a network marketing biz and a successful family at the same time… While I teach young people like me to build a steady stream of income while studying in university full-time 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend Jackie!
Ding Neng
Hey Ding! Thanks for being authentic in sharing that you tried another way. And that it didn’t work! Be yourself is so EASY to do because that is who we are! And, people welcome that, so much. Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer