Happy New Year, 2013! What are your plans? Hopes? Dreams? Goals?
Here is a tip – it’s the subtle, consistent changes that make the difference. Whatever your goals are, break them down. Set some goals for December 31, 2013 and then break down what you need to do each month, each week and then each day.
Track your progress. Get a journal; use your daytimer and right down any and all steps you have taken each day. I like to use my daytimer for this, so I can easily access and track everything.
Make some goals, intentions and plans in all areas of your life to stay balanced. These include:
Personal Relationships
Fun!!! (DON’T forget fun!)
This short video shares some ideas on how to do this, and my goals.
So, what are your goals? Please share your goals and intentions below so the community and I can cheer you on!
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Hi Jackie,
Loving that ‘slight subtle changes’ tips! Great wisdom! Small successes also have the ability to keep us inspired to keep going. I always say this to my new team members: If you can sponsor one person into your business, you can sponsor many.
Thank you for sharing your dreams. I can see why you are so successful. Focus on the small tasks AND focusing on helping team members to reach for their goals!
Wishing you another year filled with Love, Health & Prosperity!
Viola The Business Mum
Thanks Viola!
Small successes are SO important and are most often the foundation of every large success!
Cheers to you and here is to an awesome 2013. I’m so happy we are connected and can support each other along the path!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Hi Jackie,
Loving that 'slight subtle changes' tips! Great wisdom! Small successes also have the ability to keep us inspired to keep going. I always say this to my new team members: If you can sponsor one person into your business, you can sponsor many.
Thank you for sharing your dreams. I can see why you are so successful. Focus on the small tasks AND focusing on helping team members to reach for their goals!
Wishing you another year filled with Love, Health & Prosperity!
Viola The Business Mum.
Thanks Viola! Small and steady wins the race, right! Ready to ring out the old and bring in the new!!!
Thanks Jackie for your inspiration and encouragement. 2013 is going to be a great year. I have written my goals – reviewed the past year – and let it go.
Looking forward to success, good health and happiness in the new year.
Wishing you all the best.
Thanks Carol! Happy new year to you and I appreciate you! Cheers to great success stories ahead! My review is done, too! Onward and upward!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer