Party Like a VIP by Winning Network Marketing Leader Challenges
For some people, just the title of this blog post will create an uncomfortable feeling; squirming in the chair, and that feeling/thought that –
“Oh, that can happen for other people, but not for me.”
Does this describe you? Or, someone on your Network Marketing team?
This is exactly how I felt for years. The minute a contest would be announced, I would feel upset, even angry, and resigned to the fact that clearly, I would not be on the winner’s name list.
“Those contests are stupid, and only the ‘people at the very top’ ever win.” That’s what I would say to myself, and anyone who would listen.
Duh, what a downer? What a self-fulfilling prophecy I created for myself because you know what – I NEVER won!
Then One Day
My company at the time announce a contest to win a free Dell computer. And, I REALLY needed a new computer. And, it seemed VERY do-able. And, I began to think – I CAN do this.
And, I did.
And, my name went out on the company newsletter and was published on the company website. My name was in Lights, baby! I was so pumped!
(Remember this – people work harder for recognition than money, very often!)
From that day on, seriously, I became extremely competitive. I wasn’t concerned with competing with anyone else, just myself.
But, I WAS determined to be on leaderboards, win contests and VIP challenges; win company vacations and cruises… to stop being on the sidelines…
to stop being afraid to put my efforts into it…..
to stop thinking I wasn’t good enough….or smart enough….
Now, check me out, all dressed up and out of my PJs and Yoga pants, partying like a VIP Rockstar!
Are you playing small? Are you afraid to even try to win contest? Afraid you aren’t good enough; smart enough; or might “fail?”
You can only fail by not trying! I want to see your name in lights…
<—— Did this article help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments on Facebook below!
Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Sonia says
You are 100% right you can not fail something you haven’t tried ..I agree and I do plan to do a video very soon…I need an animation video just to get the feel,it wasn’t very good but you have to start some place..
Sandee Lee Ballou Giller says
The first contest that I was a part of was to win $100 and a free ticket to convention. We were really struggling for money and the $100 would be a little help. I wasn't really interested in the convention ticket. We I was one of 165 people company wide that won that competition. I ended up going to the convention and that is what changed the way I felt about my business (as I wasn't really interested in the business before convention).
Jackie Ulmer says
That is AWESOME! So glad you hit a goal and it made a difference.
Events are life changing. Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer