Want a Stronger Team? Network Marketing Events Build Team Culture
If you want a stronger team; want more promotions; volume; new team members and such; then get to events; become a big promoter of events; and bring your team together at these events.
Network Marketing Events:
- Build Belief
- Build Dreams
- Build Culture and Create Retention
- Create Life changes!
Company events are a MUST; and that means your convention; and today, there are many other amazing Generic events available including the RealSavvySuccess annual event and the Association of Network Marketing Professionals event.
Your company event solidifies belief in the company, the products and the leadership. This is when you want to create something special and specific for your team while there.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate – coffee; a poolside gathering; a (quiet) happy hour; a full blown team dinner – just do something that creates a sense of community, bonding, awards and recognition.
People like to be part of something; and the more fun, the better. Most people dread and dislike their jobs. We have a volunteer business in Network Marketing, so give people a reason to want to volunteer!
When you become a great promoter of events, you will get your team there; get them engaged and on board with getting others there. After all, it gets dull year after year to be there by yourself, right?
Make sure you share how “there ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby?” Live stream doesn’t take the place; conference call recaps don’t; nor do facebook updates and such.
This short video gives you some ideas –
So, what event will you be attending next? Is it on your calendar? Are you promoting it regularly to your team by letting them know you will be there; and what the plans are?
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Yes Jackie, I agree with with you. Events are important in network marketing. I will be going to my company event in January and have started promoting it. Thanks for the post.
That’s great! Enjoy, learn a lot and then APPLY it!
Yes Jackie, I agree with Lynn Huber. I love all the positive energy that is shared & friendships made.
Isn't it fun! Uplifting and belief building!
Always such good info Jackie! it’s at the events where you can really get a feel for the company culture, make life-long friends, pick up some great tips and get a much bigger perspective about my business.
Thanks Dayna!
It is amazing. Events solidify belief and commitment! Powerful!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great post Jackie. And you're absolutely right – lifelong friendships are made at these events! I count myself blessed from all the wonderful friends I have that I would never have met if I hadn't attended an event.
I know Lynn Huber – WE might have never met if not for the MLM Cruise! I think back on all that has transpired thanks to events!