Does Network Marketing Really Work Online; or Just Offline?
Okay, can't we all just get along? The last few years have really seen the debate get pretty heated about whether it's possible to build and sustain a Network Marketing business online; or is truly best and only sustainable by building it with warm market contacts, and keeping technology out of it.
As someone who has built it both ways, I believe that when it's done right the online methods can be just as solid and powerful as the traditional style. And, the ideal business is the one built with both. I can't imagine not using the tools of Social Media Marketing such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. to help spread the word and attract quality prospects who are looking now!
Here's my take on it, as a mom who is so grateful that the Internet provided a tool that did allow me to create that dream business and "gangsta income" promised in the brochures and DVDs….
So, what is your take? What have you experienced? How would you like to build the perfect business? Do you see technology as having a place in the Network Marketing profession? If you think this would be helpful to others, "Tweet It" or "Like It" at the top of the page or "Share It" right below!
I would love to hear your feedback and comments. Let's exchange ideas below. Just leave your thoughts/questions.
And, if you would like to learn the methods, tips and secrets I have used, please get my report below!
Great video Jackie!
I strongly agree with you. There are many ways to get leads – online, offline, purchased, free, referral, etc. What determines your success is what you do with the lead once you have it… and building a relationship is the first step to true, long-term success!
Thanks for all you do to help and teach us!
Lynn Huber
Thanks Lynn! Yes, people are everywhere and we are casting out fishing lines, preferably in our own “target waters” and seeing what we get!
I appreciate your comments!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer