Make a Quantum Leap in Your Network Marketing Business
Are you settling in your business? Assuming that success only comes one step at a time? Did you know that in Network Marketing, you are capable of creating quantum leaps in your business?
It’s one of the few professions where you can do this because when you build it right by sponsoring, training and duplicating the process with others, you have extreme leverage working for you!
You don’t have to settle for things as they are now. That can change. Dramatically. If you are ready, life is prepared to give you a breakthrough experience. You can jump to a higher orbit of achievement…live the dream…enjoy a completely different plane of success.
You don’t have to be content with improving things incrementally or gradually. Just as your level of performance can improve drastically, so can your rate of accomplishment. Furthermore, the you 2 formula requires far less effort than you’ve given in the past.
Price Prichett, PhD – you2
So, are you ready? If so, here are steps you can take right now, today and for the next 30 days to increase your accomplishments and put you into hyper drive:
1. Fill your pipeline. Stop making the decision for people that they aren’t interested in your opportunity. Every day that you don’t share it with them, you are making that decision.
2. Put yourself into massive action the next 7 days by contacting as many people as you possibly can. Don’t hold back; don’t pre-judge; let go of fear.
3.The next week, follow up with everyone you contacted. Don’t wait for them to call; most won’t.
4. Sponsor and train those who are ready.
5. Work closely with them to repeat the process
6. Look for those who are ready and keep repeating the process yourself!
Share your quantum leaps with the world! Good luck, and MAKE it happen.
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Do you have a business you love; one that will take you where you want to go? AWESOME! Work it hard and know what you are selling.
If you are still looking for that right business and right mentor, someone who has “been there, done that” and built the million dollar income, I would love to explore that possibility with you.
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EXPECT Success!
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Hi, Jackie,
I am glad to see that this article is in the Featured Tab. It is so important for people to understand that they DO NOT have to stay in the current situation if they CHOOSE to change.
Thank you for the quotation by Price Prichett, Ph D. It is so true that when we take drastic actions, we get drastic results. I have also learned from Jeffrey Combs about helping only those who are ready to be helped. It is important for us to assist only those who are ready to take action (massive or incremental). In this way, we can be more effective and have results faster. It is a service to those who are not ready yet as this may inspire them to take the Quantum Leap themselves.
Another training, Tim Sales, also expresses that it is easier to build the network marketing business fast. Dani Johnson teaches ‘Leading by Example’.When we lead by doing the right activities and getting results, others can be motivated to take action. As Johnny Kelly says – small steps repeated again and again bring great results. This is truly the blessings of Network Marketing. We do not have to stay in the same situation if we choose to take full responsibility of our own life!
You have covered so many crucial criteria for success in network marketing. It is true a life-transforming article (when people are ready for improving the quality of their lives).
Be Blessed, Jackie.
Viola Tam
Thanks Viola! I’m glad it struck a chord with you! Slight Edge, or small, consistent action steps get it done; and as it grows, we always find/make more time for it!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer