How to Create the Success You Want in Your Network Marketing Business
Do you want to know how to win with Network Marketing? How to launch a successful network marketing business, have fun doing it and create an income that will set you free?
Can it be done? Is there a catch?
The answer to both is YES. Yes it can be done, and yes, there is a catch.
It’s simple, but not easy, and that is the catch.
I’m going to detail for you the exact things you need to know, learn, master and teach to be successful in network marketing. And, then, it is up to YOU.
You can read a million books, listen to dozens of podcasts and spend hours on social media. But if you don’t commit to mastering these few simple things, you won’t move your business forward, and you won’t know how to launch a successful network marketing business
So let’s get started on the skills on…
How to Launch a Successful Network Marketing Business
Here is a checklist of what you want to get squared away on:
Mindset – this includes your why, and your VISION. It’s said that pain pushes you until VISION pulls you. You’ve joined a company and a business. Until you are seriously clear on WHY, beyond just, “I want to quit my job; earn six figures or whatever it is” you won’t move very far along your path. And, you want to go internal and get in touch with the self deceptions that you tell yourself. This is step number one on how to launch a successful network marketing business. Have a written WHY, Vision statement and start a dream board, along with a daily morning and evening routine of personal development and mindset training.
Getting Others On Board – you may or may not have a supportive spouse, significant other, or other family members and friends. You’ll prevent a lot of pain and agony with others if you have some open communication with them as you start your business. Let them know WHY you are doing this. Let them know WHAT you plan to do. Let them know HOW they can support you. Schedule a time to sit down and have a conversation.
Setting Goals and Intentions – do you understand the difference between goals and intentions? Goals can be frustrating in this business as you don’t control it all. Intentions, however, are something YOU and YOU alone are responsible for. Once I started setting intentions, and then following through, everything changed! Know what it is YOU must do in terms of income producing activities and develop your action plan around that.
Getting Organized – Have you taken the time to REALLY set up your calendar and schedule in a plan of action? What is on the calendar gets done. You’ll never “find time” to work your business. People often say – I am SO busy, and haven’t “had” the time for my business. Wow, isn’t that special? Who ISN’T busy? Excuses such as – I have kids, I work full time, and so on, just don’t cut it. Most people who make it to the top had all of the same. Develop your calendar and system and make no excuses. Sit down and map out your calendar as soon as possible.
Productivity and Getting Stuff Done – There is a difference between busy work and and getting the important stuff done. Learn to prioritize and take action. When you do this, you will miraculously see success show up! Start this process from the beginning and you’ll master how to launch a successful network marketing business. Make a to do list, and more importantly, make a short list of THE most important things.
Success Language – when you know WHAT to say, and HOW to say it, you’ll be much more inclined to take action. When I finally mastered how to open conversations, share what I’m doing, and listen and communicate through objections, things changed in my business. No one likes to be SOLD, but they may be interested when you just present it in language that appeals to them. I share more in StreetSmartScripts. Spend some time writing out what you will say, and then practice it in the mirror. Writing it down helps you look at it and evaluate it from your prospect’s perspective.
Your System and Tools – do you know how to take a prospect through every step of the process, from invitation to showing the opportunity to follow up, and then getting them started? Map this out so you know what to do and you will feel much more confident in doing it. What are the tools your company offers? Get familiar with them, and make sure you have them and know where to find them.
Follow up – when you have a systematic follow up plan, and are organized, you will know who to follow up with and when. Then, you’ll sponsor more people because you will catch them when the time is right for them. No more letting good prospects slip between the cracks. Schedule follow up into your calendar.
Social Media Success – do you know how to present yourself and your business online and develop a following, a brand and attract your right prospects to you? It’s not hard, if you know what you are doing. Don’t miss this important step. Don’t blow it by doing the wrong things on Social Media! Learn the tricks of the masters! Map out a written plan for how you are going to “do business” online. Remember that “social media” does not mean blatant advertising. There is a huge difference. Do you know this difference?
Developing Your Daily and Weekly Action Plan – you are busy and I get it. That is why having a plan in place for every day of the week is important. It doesn’t mean you have to block out multiple hours in the day. When you have a plan, and it’s prioritized, and you know what to DO each step, you will take action. Simple as that. Write out your plan, and get it into your calendar.
There are some other things you’ll learn and develop along the way, such as how to overcome saying too much, developing a filter question to keep you on track, personal accountability and tracking for success, how to develop a successful list of prospects and add to it, setting expectations and handling “shut downs” and so on.
You’ll also want to develop a power hour; how to overcome fear and procrastination, how to expand your warm market and how to use Facebook effectively.
Talk to your sponsor about this checklist and then follow the proven plan for each of these within your company. Let he/she know you want to know how to launch a successful network marketing business. That you are serious and committed.
Looking for a detailed “Success System” on how to launch a successful network marketing business?
Check out
A 30 day detailed training on how to set yourself and your
team up for massive success!Complete with an accountability group to keep you on track!
Did this information help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!
I teach mindset mastery, as well as Network Marketing and Social Media Mastery.
Let’s have some conversation!
PS: If You Are Struggling to Sponsor, and Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is Where You Want to Start
If you are happy in a business, that is great. If you are looking for the right business; the right mentor; something you can build online, I would love to share what I am doing with you.
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Getting others on board is what has taken my mind in this article.
Network marketing is a people business and to do it in the right way you have to let everyone know what you are doing by inviting them to see what is happening.
It is not all about letting everyone know but the people who you wish good things.
Thank you Jackie