Keeping Your Focus When Feeling Challenged In Your Network Marketing Business
I want to spend a few moments really exploring the concept of focus and staying tuned into where you are focused at all times.
When we are at a point in our lives where we are not happy, not content and feel that we are lacking in one or many areas, it is imperative that we begin to shifts those thoughts.
Yes, it can be challenging to do in the beginning, but most things are. If you set a goal to lose weight, the first few weeks of a new diet, new workout schedule, etc., are the most brutal. Wouldn’t you agree?
It’s well documented that it takes about 21 days, or three weeks, to form a habit, or even change a habit.
Changing your thoughts and feelings of lack to thoughts and feelings of abundance is the best habit you can develop in your life! Truly, it will positively affect every aspect of your life. (I’m living proof!)
One quick little idea that worked wonders for me was to develop a system where I would catch myself when I was thinking negatively about anything.
First, I put little post-it notes all over that just said “Where are you focused?”
It didn’t seem to matter what I was doing, I would see those things many times throughout each hour and that would be my reminder to check in on my thoughts and feelings.
In the beginning, it was amazing to me how many times I would catch myself “drowning in my sorrows” and having a pity party. And, I consider myself to be a positive person!
Yikes! It was scary! No wonder I was not moving forward at a faster pace toward my ultimate vision.
My current vision (or reality) was a mess with negativity. Sound familiar?
I borrowed one of my daughter fancy pony tail holders. It was a pretty, pink rubber band type of hair holder that had beads and trinkets on it. I began to wear that on my wrist, like a bracelet.
I did this so it did not look so funny wearing a regular rubber band! I didn’t want people asking me why I was wearing it because it was a personal thing that I did not want to explain.
Anytime I would catch myself thinking in any way other than the way I wanted to be thinking, I would snap that hair holder on my wrist. I would just give it a good pop to get my attention.
After a while, just wearing the band prompted me to be very aware of my thoughts and focus on quality, exciting, positive thoughts about my destiny and vision. I would see it and do a “thought and feeling” check.
Now, checking in regularly with my thoughts and feelings is just part of day to day life. The band is gone from around my wrist, and my vision is taking shape each and every day.
If I do find myself falling back into the old ways, I put that band back on and it doesn’t take any time at all until I am jumping out of my seat with excitement and positive feelings.
And, when I find that things aren’t cruising happily along, if I stop and check my “feelings” meter, I always find that I am having resistance, negative type thinking of some sort. Once I get that in check, things pick back up again!
Remember this – success is a journey. Often, we think that we will be happy when we get to that place we desire. Not so!
The trick is to be happy on your way there and know every step of the way that what you desire is on its way to you.
It is important to be first. Then you do, and have.
You are the master of your own destiny. And, you must take charge from the very beginning of the journey.
Learn more about building an effective Network Marketing business both online and offline in my Direct Sales Online Coaching Program!
Question for me? Ask Your Questions
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EXPECT Success!
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EXPECT Success!
Great advice Jackie. It seems that some days seem to just be downers and you really have to focus on all of the good stuff instead of the bad. I like the hair tie idea and may try it out.
I’ll be checking out that book, for sure.
You know, I was doing the same thing. In fact, I STILL catch myself doing it, but the important thing is I CATCH myself.
Now, when I catch those thoughts, which really work hard at sneaking in the backdoor, I can stop and say, ‘wait a minute. How is this thought serving me?’
and consciously replace it with a positive, more productive thought.
Mind you, to get to this point, I’ve IMMERSED myself in affirmations, books, blogs, and recordings that support this way of thinking. It’s taken, as you mentioned, a good month to recognize those thoughts and then to stop them.
Thanks for the book recommendation, and everything you do, Jackie!
In Gratitude,
Jhanna Dawson
.-= Jhanna Dawson´s last blog ..Questions That Lead to Thinking…. =-.
Well, I do suggest starting with “Crush It” by Gary Vaynerchuk first. Tell me more about what your game plan is and what you already have in place. He offers very sound advice – you must have the basic platform – blog/personal site; and then begin to build a presence through social media by building relationships; creating content and value; and truly caring about your audience.
Ignore those ads for adding 10,000 followers overnight, etc. What good is a number who doesn’t care what you have to say?
Success is a journey, built one person at a time.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Excellent advice, Jackie!! Now to put your advice into action!!! BTW/are there any books that you really suggest as “must” reading for learning how to “crush it” in social media marketing? Is there anything I can do for you???