Do you ever get those prospects that you just get that gut feeling about – and that gut feeling is telling you they are NOT right for your business. And, sometimes, we hold on anyway because we just want another warm body…a sign up.
Sound familiar?
Here are a few sure fire ways to know they are NOT going to be right for you and your team.
1. The Basher! As you are interviewing them, when you ask them about other companies they’ve been involved with, they quickly go kin to hyper drive about how horrible those companies are; how horrible their sponsor was, and on and on. And, never any hint of how they might have been responsible for their miserable failure. Leaders lead, from the beginning!
2. When you ask how much they would like to make, they don’t have a realistic projection. When someone tells me they want to make a six figure income, my first question for them is – Have you ever made six figures? Because here is the thing – it is a MINDSET and a work ethic. Both have to match for it to happen and last. And, time invested must match that expectation! PERIOD!!
3. They ask – “So if I do XYZ, what can you guarantee me?” Yikes – there are no guarantees in this business. Let’s face it, this is a business where we are somewhat dependent on others. Be a good leader and teach duplication and you have a better chance at success. But, what people SAY they will do vs what they actually do often vary.
4. Which leads me to – the person who rambles on about what they are going to do. I have a mantra about this – “Don’t tell me WHAT you are GOING to do; Go DO it and then come SHOW me your results.” I’m much more impressed with results than empty promises! Seriously, in 19 years, I have never had anyone live up to their promises who told me ahead of time how great they were going to be. I believed it in the early days. Not anymore!
5. Those who are busy sponsor shopping. I have run into this quite a bit, and kind of like the person who promises what they WILL do, when someone is too concerned about who their sponsor will be, especially when they have had little to no success before, it raises a bit of a red flag. These one could prove to be a wrong call on my part, but so far, I’ve not seen a lot from those who let it be known right up front that they are “shopping around!”
6. I just get a bad vibe. Whether they are just not a nice person; overly sarcastic; or something just doesn’t sit right. Again, go with your gut!
So, how to handle this – Say No First.
Nothing wrong with saying – You know, I am not sure that we are really a fit to work together. You may be getting the same sense. I am happy to refer you to someone else on the team who might be a better match for you. How does that sound?
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Hi Jackie, awesome tips and so very true!
I have a relation that does not have the best character…kinda aggressive at times and a bit older. I feel he would be good at the business because he has a lot of friends. However, I worry that our personalities might clash along the line. It has done so in the past. Don’t know if I should sign him to my team when she is ready (she is not ready Now)
Another class if people I recently met are those that want to know if there is a sign up fee up front! I went contact marketing and the lady asked me that. Was not too sure of the right answer to give since I already told her I would call and give her all the yeach, I totally agree with you you.
Some great advice here. Early on with my business I made the mistake of taking on clients that just weren't right for me, and it simply isn't worth it!
That a great advice Jackie,
Walk away is hard, but sometimes it turn out the guy we approach be a successful player are high, because they got so many excuse to fail… if we can change that to reasons to succeed. 🙂 but it also really hard if we already it said it…
Yes, Hisham, it can be hard in the beginning, but I will say, in 19 years, I have never regretted it and have never had proof that anyone went on to do anything big!
Do you have a story to share about this?
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Love it Love it Love It
Did I mention that I Love it? 🙂
Great words of wisdom Jackie
Jack Bastide
Jack, I couldn’t hear you, did you say you LOVE it? 🙂
Thanks! I appreciate you!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Great idea, Jackie!
Jackie, as always – super words of wisdom. We are so fortunate to have you in the same profession we're in.
Thanks Cid! Glad to be with ya!
Thanks Cid! Glad to be with ya!
This is so spot on Jackie and so so very true… I know alot of ppl that were “sponsor shopping” and wanting to kow who my uplines were and if I knew who “so snd so” was cuz they wanted to be part of their 1st gen. Well come to say that these ppl never did nothing with that particular business and this power house leader.
This is so true. I've sponsored people who I should have said no to joing the business. They end up wasting your time and suck the energy from the team.
I know, right? I think we all have! But, we get smarter! Thanks for sharing Peter!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Me too! Older and wiser now!!
Me too! Older and wiser now!!
Boy, sure have encountered all of these personalities over the last sixteen plus years! After years of experience in dealing with all sorts of personalities you develop this six sense ‘radar’. You know like the guy in Mash? In fact, experienced some of this type feedback in a conversation recently and was just about to write a blog post about the subject and something else they mentioned another Network Marketer did that’s real important to avoid doing in our profession. Trust me! It’s way better to say ‘no’ now then to pay for it much more later on!
Enjoy the Journey!
I always hate to “pre-judge” but after awhile of “going down that road”, it sure gets easier!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I had this conversation with two ladies last week. They want to know about the company’s business opportunity. They listened and I let them ask me questions then about 5 minutes in one of the ladies stopped me and say, ” ‘So in So’ of the XYZ company said that we will make this much money a month. What can you do to beat that money?” Wow, I was shocked but replied quickly, “What are you willing to do to make that type of money?” Needless to say she did not sign up with me but that is okay.
Kendall, good for you! It can be hard to “walk away” in the beginning, but over time, you realize what a drain it can be! Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer