Video Marketing Grabs Top Google Spot
If you have followed my blog or trainings for any time at all, you know I am a BIG fan of Video Marketing. It’s HOT, and we all know that a picture paints a thousand words, right?
Some quick stats, in case you wonder…
1 minute of video is the equivalent of 1.8 million words
45.4% of online users view at least one video monthly
32.2 videos the what the “average” user views each month
100 million is the number of people daily who view videos
90% of online shoppers state that video helps them make their buying decision
So, bottom line – are you using video in your marketing and if NOT, why not? Learn more here.
Last week, in just 6 hours, I took a video from unknown to #4 on google for its keyword search term, out of over 1,120,000 similar sites and search terms!!!
And within 23 hours, it was at the number 1 spot. See the screen shot below for details! (It’s also #1 on YouTube!)
Imagine using video also in your email marketing – what kind of results might that provide for you?
Here is the video –
Here is the program I use for Video Email.
Back in 2009, I started promoting the use of Video Marketing in your efforts online, and what I do. Funny thing, I still do the same things. Here it is –
A few things are dated from the above video. I now use my iPhone to shoot videos and you can upload videos longer than 10 minutes – BUT, you want to keep them shorter to keep interest! And, you’ll see how I have progressed in 4 years of video marketing, between the two videos here!
And, you will just get better! But, you gotta get started!
So, what is holding YOU back from video marketing. Often, it is just our fear of being in front of the camera. And, here is the thing – you are the same person LIVE as you are in front of the camera. Let go of your fear, don’t worry about being perfect, and watch it rock out your business!
<—— Did this article help you? If so, it would mean a lot to me if you would share it with others!!! And, share your comments below!
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If you are still looking for that right business and right mentor, someone who has “been there, done that” and built the million dollar income, I would love to explore that possibility with you.
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Jackie, you are absolutely right! Not only is Video Marketing Hot, but since Google owns YouTube, if you want to get in front of the competition, a marketer has no choice but to produce videos. Google+ is also becoming a key component of rankings in Google. Thank you for your insight.