If I could show you some simple ways to share your business with others, would that help?
First thing, though, is this – you have to get over your fear of what people will think. They AREN’T really thinking much at all about what you are doing. (Sorry to break it to you this way!)
One thing people so often struggle with is what to say to –
People they know.
People they meet.
Follow up with people they have already talked to.
One reason I am so successful is that I have cracked the code on how to introduce the business to others in a way that does not make them think it’s going to be “sales”; or that I am telemarketing them; or that I am begging them to take a look. (And, I am fearless when it comes to talking to people. I am offering a gift, not asking for a favor!)
Here are some simple “one liners” that work –
“Hey Mary, remember last week at the party, when you mentioned how you were worried about college costs and paying for your daughter to start school next year? I don’t know if you would be open to it, but I have started a side project that is funding those extra costs for us. Would you be open to a 15 minute conversation and demo on what is working for us?”
Detach from what Mary says. If she starts asking questions, just say – “I don’t have time right now, but I have some time next Tuesday night, or Thursday day time. It will take about 15 minutes. Which time is better for you?”
Or, sometimes I just say – “I’m working with a company called XYZ Company, have you heard of them?” 98% of the time the answer is no!
Then, I just go back to “which time is better for you, Tuesday evening or Thursday during the day? It’s about 15 minutes to go through it and you’ll know a lot more about it and can decide if you want to know more.”
Remember this – you are looking for people who are open and interested. NOT people you have to beg. Don’t be offended if the time isn’t right!
Is that helpful?
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EXPECT Success!
Want more ideas on what to say? Check out Street Smart Scripts!
Great tips, Jackie! You know when someone’s interested base on their engagement. There is no need to go after people and be okay that not everyone will be interested.
Thanks Janette!
What am I doing wrong? I feel like I have the plague! People shut down when I share the benefits of hosting a party at a party…and when I share my personal added incentives to my clients for having a party..it's like I never spoke! Help!
Yes, it's a gift! Thanks for sharing!