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One question I am asked frequently is – How do you sponsor so many people into your business?
I adhere to one simple philosophy in my business, and it’s so simple, most people either miss it, or ignore it.
Are you ready for it?
I talk to two new people daily about my business (or 14 weekly!)
That’s it! Seriously!
So, the next natural question is – how do you find these 2 new people to talk to?
This question really does tend to blow me away. I mean seriously, people are EVERYWHERE, and people who are looking for a solution to their finances are EVERYWHERE.
So, the REAL question is – what are YOU willing to do to find 2 new people to talk to?
I meet people offline all of the time. So do you! At the store, at the post office, while shopping, eating out, etc. I also attend networking events, expos and job/event fairs, and put myself out there to meet people.
I also have a warm market, and so do you. Have you let these people know about your business? I hope so.
And, I network and meet people online. It really works the same way online. Whether it is Facebook, or LinkedIn, Meetup or any of the Social Networks – meeting and building friendships and relationships with people doesn’t change!
This video is OLD (3 years is ancient online) but the philosophy has not changed! So, here are my tips to attraction marketing online.
Now, don’t get bogged down by the concept of branding! Your brand is “who” you already are! Just be you, be authentic, and connect with people!
Comments? Share below –
EXPECT Success!
Hi Jackie!
I’m New at network marketing. I’m having a little bit of trouble getting started- I don’t want to blow all of my warm leads, so I have hardly mentioned the opportunity to any of my friends or family or coworkers.
I know if I could just get over that hurdle and start talking to a couple people a day, I would do just fine. I just don’t want to give up because this is such a great opportunity, I feel that when I quit training and actually start talking to prospects, I will be more comfortable. I need a kick-start!
Seems like it may be easier to approach strangers at first, rather than friends and family. Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks and have a great day!
Hi Steve,
Great topic and thanks for weighing in.
First, how do you feel you might “Blow it” with your warm leads?
How did you find your opportunity? What did your sponsor say or do that led to your interest?
Whatever you do, don’t give up because you have “made up” that you might blow it.
So, let’s do this – pretend I am your prospect. Without sharing a bunch of company specific details here, how would you contact me to invite me to take a look?
And, consider StreetSmartScripts.com – my Success Language Program.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I am needing people to join my team. I have trouble finding prospects and would love to have on my team.
Alice, I would love to help brainstorm with you, and need to know what you are doing/saying so we can take a look.
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Yes, I was also taught the “Power of 3” but the Power of 2 would work as well, it would just take a little longer. Great Article!
Thanks for this! You have great tips! I’m new to direct sales/network marketing and have been wondering how to approach online without being pushy. Love your personal website/blog idea. I think I will reopen my old blog that I let go… 🙂
In my business, we’re taught the “Power of 3”. You should share the opportunity with 3 people daily.
The Power of 3 WORKS! The most important thing is to get into and stay in action!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer