Great Phone Skills To Turbo Charge Your Prospecting
Great phone skills are important to your Direct Sales and Network Marketing Business and here is some good news – These skills can be developed.
Do you ever worry that you are stumbling over your words when you talk to someone on the phone about your business?
Do you ever listen to leaders on the business calls or the training calls and wonder how they are so smooth, polished and always seem to know exactly what to say?
This is a skill that can be DEVELOPED – isn’t that great news?
And, in our business, the telephone is your most important tool!
Here are some tips to assist you in developing your phone skills and learning to relax and have fun during the process!
Yes, it CAN be fun!
1. Have a separate phone line for your business and have a professional greeting on the answering machine. Kids are fun and cute, but not on your business line.
2. Put a smile on your face, and in your voice when you talk with people. Happiness and enthusiasm shines through!
3. Paint word pictures when you speak.
4. Ask for clarity if you are unsure what the person means by a question or statement they make.
5. Return calls promptly.
6. Listen and ask questions. Relax, you are NOT trying to sell ANYONE ANYTHING. Your goal is to share information and allow your prospect to sell him/herself! That creates a win-win. Pay very close attention to the language and words that you use and make sure your agenda is out of the way!
7. Be clear on your why and your purpose. Be solid in your belief and conviction.
8. Detach from the outcome. Don’t worry about what the other person says. There are TONS of people out there waiting for your call!
9. Have a 3 step process to lead your prospect through in looking at the business, or evaluating a retail sale or fundraiser. Always know what you are going to say and what the next step should be for your prospect.
10. Follow up and let people know you are interested in having them join you as a customer or team member! Ask for referrals. Really – you never know!
Practice,practice, practice!
After I finally mastered the art of phone calls, communication and how to let my prospect sell themselves, I developed an e-book of Scripts. You can get that at –
Street Smart Scripts – Turbo Charge Your Prospecting Calls
Make it a GREAT week and let me know how you are doing with it!
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Let’s have some conversation!
EXPECT Success!
Hey Jackie,
Thanks for sharing those tips. I hope you do not mind if I swipe some of those to use in my own trainings.
The Cartoon Coach
.-= Carstarphen´s last blog ..Problems =-.
Janette, great insight, thanks for sharing!
Great post, Jackie!
When you’re first starting out in direct sales, you’re so excited, especially with the first few prospects that you feel the need to talk more than listen. Great reminder even for seasoned consultants to work on being better at listening which is not an easy skill as it takes a ton of patience to really listen. I especially like #6, relax as you’re not selling anything to anyone! It’s more than just about selling or signing someone up. Sometimes signing up the wrong prospect can suck the life out of you.
Finally, be open to the conversation and don’t be too attached to the outcome. You’re not there to make the decision for your prospect so you’ve got to learn to manage your own emotions. People are going to do what they’re going to do in the end.
By the way, your website is so informative and fantastic!
.-= Janette Stoll´s last blog ..6 Tips to Syndicate Your Blog Content via RSS Feed =-.
Remember, about 80% of the time you get a voice mail. Learn to be light, conversational and friendly even on your messages and it makes it easier when they answer.
Just know where you are going to lead the conversation and stay on task!
Good luck!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Thanks Jackie for another enlightening post.I have let my fear of calling people hinder my business. I’m good with emails and face-to-face prospecting, but the phone is and has been a challenge. I’ll try these tips out and practice until I get over my inhibitions.