Are you ready to get serious about what your Network Marketing business can provide for you?
When you get focused and consistent, you can create wealth in the RIGHT NOW as well as Generational Wealth – something that can positively affect generations in your family, or those you choose to shower with your abundance.
It’s not hype, and at the same time, like building anything successful, it’s not easy. (The hardest part is in your HEAD, however!)
Seriously, begin to wrap your mind around what a network marketing business can mean for you and your family. Make a list of all that you want from your business.
It can be just hobby income if you want it to be, and it can be so much more.
It’s called a 2-5 year plan for those who are looking to replace and income and create lifestyle income and wealth.
Here are some things to begin to think about as you create an income in your business –
Decide to save and invest 10% of each paycheck you make. This will serve you well later for tithing, taxes and anything unexpected. As your income grows, up this amount to 20-25%.
This can seem like a challenge in the beginning but it will be WELL worth it even after the first year.
Decide to assist in creating wealth for others who you partner with. Andrew Carnegie was a millionaire and he made 38 others millionaires, too. Think also of Bill Gates; Steve Jobs; and others who had such a positive affect on others through their efforts.
The more people YOU help get what they want, the more you will get what you want!
Believe in miracles! Don’t be surprised by them. EXPECT them.
Big thinkers and big achievers have a common characteristic – they think big thoughts about themselves and others. Visualize what you want daily! You’ll see it first in your mind before it shows up!
Building a successful MLM business is a long term career. It doesn’t happen overnight.
Center your focus on your sales force and business partners. Work together to create momentum in each of your businesses.
Do the activities that SEEM impossible. They aren’t really.
Increase your productivity. Set up a master list of tasks and determine the most important, income producing ones and do those first.
Have a great attitude and believe in what you are doing!
Put your blinders on and charge full steam ahead!
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EXPECT Success!
Thanks Jackie for the great motivation. Feel Great and gonna see more people after this .. Thank you very much..
Keep “seeing the people” Hisham! Have a great weekend!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
These are great ways to stay motivated in this crazy, fun biz we call network marketing. I definitely like the idea of saving 10% of every paycheck from the very beginning so it becomes a habit. I also agree that big thinkers have big thoughts of themselves and others. As network marketers we have to – we have to visualize where we will be. I look forward to more posts.
It is crazy and yet fun, isn’t it Karin? Yes, we must keep that vision strong! Thanks for sharing!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer