Referrals can be a very powerful source for building your Network Marketing business and once you master the skill of just asking for the referral, you’ll be amazed at how many referrals you will get.
There are some very powerful stories out there of showing the business to someone who was not interested, but when asked – who do you know who I should show this to – a name or two is produced. Some of these referrals have gone on to build multi-million dollar businesses!
So, how do you ask?
Keep it very low key and be specific if possible. Narrow it from “who do you know who….” to a more targeted niche, based on either your product or your specific demographic (or one you want to tap!)
Who do you know who is a stay home mom wanting to make some extra money?
Who do you know who has been hard by the economy and might be looking?
Who do you know who is a people person and very outgoing?
Who do you know who has been involved in home business before?
Now, when you call, you reference the person who referred them, make a compliment both ways – to the referring person and to the person who was referred, and then use the same success language you always would –
“Hi Jane, this is Jackie Ulmer calling, and you don’t know me, but we have a mutual friend in John Doe. I was chatting with him about a business project I am working on because he is very well connected and I value his opinion. He thought this is something you might be intrigued with because you are so friendly and people-oriented. I don’t know if you would be open to it, but I would love to email over a short online video and have you evaluate it and see if it might be a fit, and if the timing is right. Would you be open to that?”
If Jane decides to join, always go back the person who made the referral first and let them know, offering them to sign up first and have Jane on their team. That way, when Jane builds a massive business, you know you did the right thing.
If would love to hear your thoughts and experiences below –
Jackie that is a tip that we can all learn from. If the referral decides to join you let the person who made the referral know that because maybe the person who at first was not interested will become interested because he does not want to regret missing out on his referral being on your frontline and building a huge organization without him being a part of it. Because he had the friendship with the referral he would want to have after all the referral on his front line and you being his sponsor and having the referral on your second level.
Whole new ball game!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Thanks Lawrence! That’s how I do it!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
great suggestions here jackie. I definitely don't ask for referrals enough. my coach and I were discussing how to go about doing this just last night! he suggested I go back to my contacts and current clients, share how much they mean to me, and how committed I am to working with them. THEN, ask for referrals. I love your low-key approach for biz prospects. thank you so much.
It just takes practice and building that skill set. Once you get into the flow, it’s a snap!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer