Keep your friends, your sanity and your MLM Business!
You meet up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. She’s on your list to contact about your business, but you just haven’t made that contact yet. You want to break the ice, and you think she would be great, but you don’t want to approach her at the wrong time, or come across sales.
She may be interested, and maybe now! So, how do you get the conversation started?
This is where good language and a “detached” outlook become so valuable. Your goal in every conversation is to put people at ease, begin the process and not do a “data dump” on them.
This is where questions become SO valuable.
Remember this right up front – you aren’t trying to “get” anyone in. That is no way to start or run a business.
First, start with your mindset and what you consider a “success!” Remember this – you may think “Suzy” will be great, and she has all of the skills to be, but you really don’t know. We all have those stories of people we thought would be great, only to have them take a downward spiral right at lift off!
A success is simply getting a decision – yes, no or maybe! How about that? You will get a 100% success rate when you view it this way, right?
Whether you are making a phone call specific to the business, run into your friend or are out together and the timing is right, make sure you ask good questions, listen and then keep the conversation geared toward your prospect’s point of view.
Let’s say you run into Suzy, you ask how things are going and she begins to unload about her boss and how she HAS to get out of that dead end job.
The tendency might be to start spouting off about how great your business is and how perfect she would be, and she could fire that boss and on and on…
Instead, say something attention grabbing that will relate her back to her own reasons such as –
“Suzy, I don’t know if you know this, but I have been working on a side business for the past few months. It offers a nice alternative for working from home, getting out of the corporate rat race while being home with the kids. I work with a number of highly successful, six figure earning women who have left behind their jobs through this company. Would you be open to learning more?”
Share a benefit of your business from her point of view. Don’t even mention the company or product to begin. It doesn’t matter at this point. Your goal is to engage her emotionally. If she is intrigued, the time will come to share the rest, and in the right way.
If you are specifically making the call about the business, get to the point right up front.
“Hey Suzy, I’m calling today with a business question to ask you and would also love to catch up, is now a good time?”
Now it’s okay to ask some simple questions that you both relate to, such as about the family and such, before diving in. Spend a few minutes and then YOU be the one to move the conversation to business.
The reason I called today Suzy, is that I have been working on a new business project for the last few months. I work with a lot of women who have left corporate America to work with this company and I know you have mentioned for a long time that you would love to leave your job. Would you have about 15-20 minutes some time soon that I could share some details with you? I think it could be a fit for you, but that’s something only you can decide.
When she says yes, schedule the time and then use the tools of your business to present the opportunity.
And, then get permission to ask a few more questions.
“Do you mind if I ask a few questions now?”
“Why? Why would you want to look at this? Have you looked at any other options? What’s most important to you in another career option?”
“Great, thanks, that helps me a lot for when we connect on XYZ date. I’m excited to share the details and I hope you’ll find it something of interest, and if not, that’s okay. You may be able to offer some referrals of others. I look forward to your feedback! I’ll talk to you then!”
Now, everyone is clear on the direction of the next appointment and you have already cleared the way for her to say “No thank you” and remember – success is 100% about getting an answer – not just a YES!
<—— Like this idea? Share it with others!!! And, share your comments below! I would love to start a conversation!
EXPECT Success!
PS – NEVER use that old bait and switch technique – getting together for coffee and then pulling out your business brochure – no no no!!!
At a speed networking event, please advise on what to say when it’s your
turn to introduce yourself . ( I am in a ground floor , top tier clinically proven
Skincare company that already has a global presence with their First
endeavor) . Thank you for your suggestions.
Great question and thanks for being the “guinea pig!” I am going to share what I feel can be better suited to your potential client/business partner/
First, always tell what you DO (problem you solve) vs “who you are.”
What you have now may be true, but is sounds like “WAH, WAH, WAH” Charlie Brown’s teacher, to your prospect.
Instead, say something like – I help people who are want to take care of their skin, combat aging, and enjoy smoother, younger looking skin. Do you know anyone who might be interested in a product like that?”
The networking event itself is the WORST place to mention the business opportunity side of things, as everyone there is looking to improve his/her business and are not looking for a business in most cases. Doesn’t mean they won’t be interested later, but like dating, you wouldn’t ask them to marry you on the first speed date, right?
Ask a question vs make a statement, as above. A statement leaves no room for them to feel compelled to go. A question does!
Make Sense? Would love your thoughts and to hear how this little change might work for you!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
This is excellent and certainly the product of seasoned experiences, that is, your experiences. I am intrigued. So when you are essentially “pounding the pavement” of direct sales, is this part of your agenda to reach out to your immediate circles and networks?
Hey Sandra!
I like to think that I am not “pounding the pavement” ha ha! I do believe in reaching out to one’s circle of influence, and letting them know about my business and products and then they can decide if there is any interest. I also use a third party approach and ask for referrals. People love to help! They may know someone ho just was downsized, or had their second child and wants to be home, etc!
IT’s just more of the marketing process!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I’d like to read what one liners have worked for others, the one liners, the very first minute of the intro
Hey, I’m working on a new business project. I don’t know if you would be open to it, but would you be willing to spend 15 minutes with me, learning a little in case you know anyone who might be looking for what I offer?
There is a start. Simple, straight to the point and an easy yes or no!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Oh, I really LIKE that! Simple is good.
Simple IS good! Thanks!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
I agree… many networkers just avoid doing it because they think friendship will be over. Thanks for the advices. Luis from Mexico